Chapter 35 - Accident

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Tiffany's PoV

Geez- my work has been piling up. But this is nothing compared to what I used to do. As the chairwoman, I have a lot of responsibilities and people that look up to me. So I can't waver just because the paper is stacking up.

"Several projects are put on hold because of unexpected incidents. A few of our workers were injured on the job too as a result. Some even protested and threatened to hurt our workers if they continued with the construction."


"But we managed to get the license and even compensate the affected people. We even found them more suitable and affordable housing for their trouble. What more can they ask for?"

Janet sighed.

"I believe the people affected by the development don't cause these incidents. They are carried out by other companies who see us as a threat. We have lodged a police report, but there doesn't seem to be any changes."

I see- that means they have bought the police beforehand. Who would have thought that these people would stoop so low?

"Find out which companies are involved and buy them over. If they refuse, destroy them."

Janet chuckled.

"Yes, boss."

Janet was about to leave when I called out to her.

"How is your sister?"

Janet hummed.

"She went back to work. She said her broken nose doesn't stop her from doing her job-saving people."

I see- that's typical of Liliana, then.

"Okay- I'll give her a call later then."

Janet nodded. Now, I wonder what happened to George. I heard things from Janet that said his family would bail him out of prison, but at least his girlfriend left him after what he did. Even someone like Selena couldn't go against Astoria.

Ah, should I call the chief of police and ask him about George? But am I even allowed to call him? We only met once.

"Tiffany, are you busy?"

I looked up to the door and saw my father smiling at me.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

My father smiled from ear to ear before walking into my office.

"I just got back from having luncheon with the chief of police. George's parents had to bail him out."

I knew it. But-

"Why would you have luncheon with the chief of police?"

My father sighed.

"My daughter-in-law was hurt. Did you think I would stand down? Not only did I have a luncheon with the chief, but there was also the chief justice of the Supreme Court and even the senator. I told them my daughter will soon call them regarding a few matters, so make sure to call them. I did you a favor, Tiffany. Make use of the chances I gave you."

Whoa- this old man is something else. Even I couldn't do things he's done. I'm a failure. I for sure need to learn some tricks from the master himself.

"What? Enough with the staring."

I smiled at my father before looking through the papers on my desk.

"Dad, since you're here, why don't you help me? It will take some time for me to deal with it, but with your connection, I'm sure you'll manage to pull it through in a matters of days."

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