Part 27

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"Friday night dinner, you ready?" Allison said enthusiastically to Max as she got in his car.

"I don't think your grandparents will ever like me," Max said. 

"They liked you before anything happened between us"

"Yeah, but stuff has happened now, and they know what's happened. I ruined their Allison that's all they see in me."

"Oh, please they like you a little, they haven't filed a restraining order yet."

"They would do that?"

"They've done it"

"What was the reason?" 

"They need no reason they have money. Rich people am I right"

"You do remember you're a Litteral millionaire right, or did you forget?"

"Hi grandma" Allison said as she hugged her grandmother

"Hello Allison dear" Emily said happily and then turned to max, "Max" She greeted, and He looked at Allison as she hid her laugh.

"What's funny?" Emily said noticing and Allison turned her laugh into a cough.

"Nothing grandma I just have a cough" she said trying to play it off and Emily excepted and walked into the living room where her mother and sister were sitting.

"Oh, mom Sookie wanted to know if you and dad would like to come to her wedding" Lorelai said as the group made their way into the dining room for dinner.

"Really?" Emily asked

"Oh yeah it's going to be great, small Lokey, but it will be fine, she's catering it herself so the food will be great, and you be able to see me and Rory walk down the aisle in dresses"

"Well, that sounds very nice when is it"

"A week from Sunday."

Emily went quiet. "So, it's a pity invite"

Allison looked to max and nodded, and he smiled trying to hide it from the rest of the table.

"No mom it's not a pity invite she wants you to come"

"Is that so. where's our invitation" Emily asked.

"Your what?"

"Our invitations if she wanted us to come, she would have given us an invitation so where is it?"

"She thought it would be more special coming from me" Lorelai said lying through her teeth.

"So, she was out of invitations" Emily stated.

"Mom, she wanted you to come there's no reason to be insulted"

Rory looked at Allison begging her to say something to change the topic of conversation

"Sorry I'm late everyone I could not get Adamson off the phone" Richard said walking into the dining room

"Oh Richard" Emily said "Weve been invited to sookies wedding"

"Oh, that's wonderful, when is it?"

"A week from Sunday"

"So, it's a pity invite" he stated, and Lorelai shook her head

"Topic change in three two one. Rory is getting her cast off this week" Allison said before anyone else could speak.

"Oh yes from the crash with the boy" Emily said

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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