𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥: 𝟐𝟐𝟐

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The next time I see him is when I'm leaving my university in hurry

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The next time I see him is when I'm leaving my university in hurry. The next morning after I left, as always, he sent a text thanking me for taking him home.

But apart from that, there were no other conversations we had. It's been a week and a half. I stand by the gate, slightly surprised to see him standing there, leaning against the wall.

" Akito? "

He stood straighter, taking out an ear piece and shooting me one of his rare smiles, " Hi. "

I grinned, skipping towards him, " How come you're here? " We didn't go to the same University, and to be honest, I was somewhat glad about it.

" I was free for the evening. Wanna go get dinner? " He asked awkwardly, as soft and quiet as always. I hummed,
" Of course-"

" Y/N! "

I flinched, stumbling but managing to balance as I looked at the guy that just jumped on me, chuckling.

" Haru? "

" Oh, you're with a friend. " He jumped away just as quickly after noticing Yamada, bowing slightly. " Hello, sorry for disturbing. "

" It's nice to meet you." Yamada answered just as awkwardly, though his tone was somewhat cold, which is no surprise. He dislikes strangers, especially interacting with them.

" This is Yamada, Haru. We grew up together. "

" Oh~ I'm Haru, it's good to finally put a face on the name. " Haru beamed, " I won't keep disturbing for long. May I speak for Y/n for a minute? "

Yamada just nods as Haru tugs me aside, " What's up? "

" Is that him? " Haru giggled and I glared at him, causing him to laugh. Rolling my eyes, I smacked his forehead. " Tell me what it is,
Haru. "

" Okay, okay! We're planning freshers, right? I need a date. Wanna go with me? "

I nod, " Mhm, okay. Pick me up. "

" Gotcha! "

Giving a two finger salute, he waved at Yamada before jogging away. I heaved out a sigh, " Sorry about that. We organized a freshers party for the juniors, " I glance at the watch, " Where do you want to eat? "

" Is there a new trend for having a plus one for freshers? "

I giggled at how clueless he sounded, " Of course, not. It's just a theme our seniors came up with. " I rolled my eyes, " Besides, despite not looking like it, Haru is very socially awkward. He doesn't go to any party without me.."

" So you've always been his date? "

" Mhm-" I pause, but ignore the petty tone in his voice. " So? Where are we eating? " He sighs, finally looking away from me which made relax a little.

Why was he acting like this today? Normally, he'd ignore anything related to my university life. After all, he had no interest in knowing any of that.

" I know a restaurant just down the street. "

As we walk, the silence is comfortable but I wonder what goes on in that pretty head of his. Does he even recall what happened then? Or is he ignoring it again as always?

" Oh right! " I grabbed his sleeve, " After the weekend, I'll be flying out for a week. Mum wants me home because my aunt is getting married. "

" Oh. " He finally spared me a look,
" For a whole week? Won't that affect your attendance? "

I shrug, " I'll manage. I haven't missed any other classes so it should be fine. " I thank him as he opened the door to some restaurant I haven't been to before, leading me to an empty table.

We settle down and soon enough decide what to order, having small talks as always. Although I find small talks annoying, with Yamada, it's always a relief.

He's a quiet person, and for him to talk so much is already a blessing. I like listening to his voice and that soft tone of his, it eases me of every worries I have.

" How's the guild going? " I smiled as I recalled Eita and Runa, those two...it's been a while since I've seen them. I miss them a lot. I would have met Eita back at that high school reunion, but he had been absent then.

" I miss Runa and Eita. "

" They're as normal as they can get. " He smiled softly, " The game's going well too. I like playing with them. "

" That's nice. "

Unlike him, I had tried a lot of times to get into video games, but it was fruitless. I just couldn't bring myself to play games, it was another fact that I absolutely suck at them.

Yamada had tried to teach me plenty of times, yet, it never worked.

"...will you be okay though? "

I looked up, in the middle of taking a bite, " Huh? "

" Your aunt doesn't like you much. Will you be okay attending her wedding? "

" It should be fine. " I melted at the worry that pooled his usually blank yet intense eyes, " She'll be too busy focusing on her wedding, hopefully. I can't even skip because she'll then create an issue out of that too. "

He nods, pursing his lips. " Call me right away if something happens. "

" Of course. Thanks. " I grinned, resuming to eat my noodles. " The food tastes amazing here! We should definitely visit again.."

" Let's do that once you come back, then. "

I couldn't be happier.


" Why are we an hour early? " I chuckled as I leaned back in the seat, looking at the board to see my flight wasn't for another hour.

Yamada sat beside me, holding out a cup of coffee for me, " You were the one rushing. "

I huffed, " Yes but you were driving fast. "

" It's fine. I'll wait with you so you don't get bored. "

" But don't you have a guild meeting? Don't let me keep you any longer. Just go. " I sighed, " I'll just watch a movie or something. "

His phone was ringing, I knew his friends were calling him. It could be Eita or Runa or Akane. I didn't want to feel guilty of making him late.

" Yamada, just go. " I chuckled, " I'll see you in a week. "

He pockets his phone, nodding. " Okay. Call me once you reach. "

" Okay. Drive safe-"

" Yeah. "

I sat there frozen, his lips linger on my forehead and then he's walking away. I ducked, sipping on the coffee while my face slowly turned red, mind blank.

That's strange. He never does that.



𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝; 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚Where stories live. Discover now