Uff yeh argumentss-2

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She had taken a seat in the reception area, flipping through a magazine as she waited. Minutes turned into hours, and the clock on the wall seemed to mock her with its relentless ticking. Abhishek's assistant had informed her that he was in an important meeting and would be tied up for a while. Jiya had smiled and assured her that she didn't mind waiting.

As the morning sun streamed through the office windows, Jiya's patience began to wear thin. She checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time and couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had been looking forward to this meeting, a chance to connect with Abhishek amidst their busy lives.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the assistant approached Jiya with an apologetic expression.

Ashish: (softly) I'm really sorry, Jiya, but Abhishek's meeting is running much longer than expected. He won't be able to meet you today.

Jiya's disappointment was palpable, but she masked it with a gracious smile.

Jiya: (disappointed but understanding) It's alright. I understand his work is important. Please let him know I stopped by.

The assistant nodded, feeling empathetic toward Jiya's situation. She watched as Jiya gathered her things and made her way toward the exit, her steps heavy with unspoken disappointment.

As she walked out of Abhishek's office building and into the bustling city streets, Jiya couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. Their careers had brought them success, but they had also brought challenges and sacrifices. She understood the demands of Abhishek's work, but that didn't make the ache of missed moments any less painful.

Jiya knew that they would have to continue navigating this delicate balance between their personal and professional lives. She couldn't help but hope that someday, they would find a way to prioritize their relationship amidst the chaos of their careers. Until then, she would continue to wait for those stolen moments, cherishing them when they did come, and understanding that love sometimes required patience and sacrifice.

The following days were marked by a somber routine. Abhishek would leave for work before Jiya even woke up, and by the time he returned, she would already be asleep. Their conversations had become scarce, and the rift between them continued to widen.

Three days passed in this silent and distant manner. Jiya's heart ached for the warmth and closeness they had once shared, but she knew that it would take time and effort to mend their relationship.

On the fourth day, Jiya woke up feeling a sense of unease. Something was different. She felt a strange mix of excitement and anxiety. The fourth day passed much like the previous ones, with Abhishek leaving for the office before Jiya woke up and returning long after she had gone to sleep. Their home, once filled with laughter and shared moments, now echoed with silence.

As the days stretched on, Jiya's heart grew heavy. She missed the warmth of Abhishek's presence, the sound of his laughter, and the feel of his arms around her. But she knew she had to be patient, hoping that time would heal the wounds between them.

On the evening of the fourth day, everything changed. Jiya discovered something that would alter the course of their relationship.

She had been feeling unusually tired and nauseous for a while, and a sudden realization dawned upon her. Jiya decided to take a pregnancy test, and when the result showed positive, a mix of emotions overwhelmed her. She was going to be a mother.

Excitement and anxiety surged through her. Jiya knew she had to share this news with Abhishek, to bridge the gap that had formed between them. She decided to surprise him when he returned home from the office.

Abhiya: One shotssss????????Where stories live. Discover now