18. Damaged

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**Trigger Warning**
This chapter deals with violence and mature subject matter

**Trigger Warning**This chapter deals with violence and mature subject matter⚠️

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Glory and gore - Lorde

The cold breeze kissed my cheeks as I laid on the sticky ground
The whistle of the wind screaming through the tall oaks and firs as I lay there alone
It's not the beach this time?
That's new
If I called out would anyone find me?
It wouldn't matter, my voice never was heard anyway
I slowly sat up, naked and afraid as I crossed my arms to my chest
Dried blood streaked my hands and arms as I tasted the aftertaste of a deer
Watching its lifeless body twitch from nerves as it lay there to rot now that I was done
It was dark here, darker than the ocean was
I belonged here too, but it wasn't my home
I got up to my feet, shaking in my legs I started to walk deeper into the green and black shadows
I felt the eyes on me, the eyes were everywhere
Golden and red watching me walk, breathe
"Whose here?" I called.
"Jimin? Are you there?"
I looked down at tattered pieces of black fabric
Bloody smears, staining the fallen leaves
I continued to walk deeper, darker
Tripping on a dead piece of driftwood, I fell onto my knees and met the ground again.
More blood appeared as I heard a wolf cry in the distance

I jerked awake, gasping as I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Waking up in a cold sweat as my throat started to feel tight. I clutched my fist to my heart as I tried to calm down.

"Hey, hey baby are you okay? I'm right here." Jimin whispered as he rolled over to cuddle my back. I started to hyperventilate as he started to rub my back to calm down.

"Bad dream again?"

I nodded as I coughed a bit, trying to relax my breathing. Feeling his warm touch against me, slowly calming my nerves down. "Sorry, yes it was. I mean sort of, I dreamt of my mom being lost again."

"I'm sorry love, can I do anything? Water?"

I nodded again, unable to speak as he got up and grabbed me a cup of water from the sink. Walking over to me as he sat next to me and helped me to sit up. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"Never be sorry for that, let's try to go back to bed okay?"

I nodded, as I set the cup down and tried to cozy up to the front of him again. Feeling content and comfortable, my eyes began to feel heavy as I started feeling sleep take over again. He fell back to sleep pretty fast with me in his arms, but suddenly my eyes shot open again. Remembering the shadow from earlier, lurking and smiling at me. The vision of that haunted me.
I never told him about it, I didn't want him to worry. And besides, I chalked it up as a hallucination. I did just come back from a possession and all.

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