10. Pawn

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**Trigger Warning**
This chapter contains strong mature subject matter

**Trigger Warning**This chapter contains strong mature subject matter⚠️

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Can you hold me? - NF

"Athena? You awake?" Clara said as she opened my bedroom door a sliver.

I laid there facing the wall in a fetal position, expressionless with my phone beside my head. I hadn't left my room in two days.

"No babe, I'm not." I choked out, feeling my tears burning my eyes as they tried to come out of me.

"I'm going out in a bit, I want you to come with me. I think it'll do us some good, maybe to dance and drink and forget life. Wanna join me?"

"I don't think so, not tonight."

Before she could argue, our buzzer rang. "One sec,
I'll get it." She left, as my heart sank hoping it was the one person I knew it would never be.

"Athena?" Clara called from my door again, "J.K is here, do you want me to tell him to go and die? Because I can."

I raised my head up off my pillow as I squinted in her direction, "Tell him I'm asleep." I mumbled turning back to face the wall. "You got it babe."

Just as I was about to actually fall asleep, my door flew open and the dark haired demon appeared in my room. "Heartbreaker! You don't look like you're asleep to me!" He yelled, as I could hear Clara protesting his entrance behind him.

"It's fine, he can stay."

I saw her frown just behind him as he closed the door on her. "Dodging my calls isn't an attractive trait Athena, it's rude."

"Leave me alone."

"Are you going to tell me what happened after I dropped you off? Because I'm not anyone's biggest fan right now, I mean not that I ever was to begin with." He smirked as he laid on my bed and poked my side.

"He hates me."

"No, he doesn't. He hates me." He said as he sighed.

"You didn't see him that night, it was fucking awful. I literally destroyed him. I'm the worst." I said as I started to cry again, cupping my face with my hands. J.K reached his arm over me and hugged me, I could feel his warm skin through his jacket sending shivers all over my back. "It's okay, he'll come around."

"I don't think this time, he left his car behind."

"Yeah I know, I saw Yoongi just get into it and leave, as I pulled up here."

"What? Fuck. There's another one who hates me."

"I wouldn't worry about him, he doesn't like anyone."

I started to cry again as he rubbed my back, "Awe sweetheart it's okay, let's go get drunk and forget about it, want to?"


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