31. Remember me?

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**This chapter contains talk of suicide and mature subject matter.**

I hate u, I love u - gnash ft Olivia O'Brien🎶

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I hate u, I love u - gnash ft Olivia O'Brien

The elevator doors opened as Jimin slowly walked out, leaving me following in a stunned silence behind him.

"What did you just say?" I said, now frozen in my spot.

"We can't talk about this here." He said under his breath with his back to me, looking around and finding the older security guard half asleep with his feet propped on top of his desk. He gave us both a nod as we fake smiled and headed out the front entrance. The evening air hit me, waking my senses up and bringing me back to somewhat of a clarity. I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed them, goosebumps covered my body as I shivered.

"Are you cold? You can go back inside, we can talk some other time."

"We will not be talking some other time Jimin, and i'm fine." I said coldly, following him to wherever he was leading us.

I heard his car alarm beep as the lights lit up on a new navy blue sports car. "There's no way i'm going anywhere with you." I said, slowing my steps.

"I know that, but i'm not talking out in the open with eyes and ears everywhere."

He opened the passenger's door for me and walked around the car to his side, not looking at me and getting inside. I paused as my brain kept telling me to go back home, to pretend this never happened. To put the mask back on and fake it like I was in control again.

"Get in Athena." He called out from the open door.

"No." I said, still standing just before the opening, watching him fumble with putting his phone on the cradle on his dash. He sighed before looking over at me, "I promise I won't hurt you or go anywhere okay? Here." He said, dangling his car keys with an outstretched arm. "Take them, and keep them, throw them away I don't care. But if it gives you peace of mind, please take them. I'm going to sit here parked and tell you everything I know, okay? No more secrets."

I swallowed, watching the key fob dangle from his fingers. I shook my head and slowly got into the seat, taking the keys and avoiding our hands to touch. I held them in my lap tight, trying to wish my newfound nerves away. The scent of him filling the space around us, citrus and woodsy but with a touch of something else, something new. It was as if I could smell the fear radiating off of him too. Was he scared of me? Scared to be here?

The silence made me feel awkward, but I couldn't manage to speak a word. Waiting for him to tell me whatever the fuck he had to say. I fidgeted with the corner of the key, wishing I was literally anywhere else. I was about to break the silence with absolutely anything before I heard him speak for the first time.

"I know this is weird for you and has come as a shock. It seems to always be that way with all of us and you. It's been a while, and I know that I'm the last person you want to be sitting with right now, so I understand. I get it, I really do. You know that night, when I left your old place? I stayed awake for days, weeks without feeding or getting up from the floor. Losing you felt like I lost everything that ever mattered in my life. For months and months, I tried to paint, to get my mind off of you. Moving didn't help, nothing helped. There were days where I wanted to die, put an end to this miserable existence that was me. I've thought about rock bottom before Athena, I thought I had reached it years ago. But I was wrong, it wasn't until that night I last saw you."

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