20. Farewell Party

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**Trigger Warning**
This chapter talks about suicide/death and mature subject matter.

I found - Amber Run🎶

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I found - Amber Run

I can feel the wind and grass hit the sides of my new body.
I inhaled deeply, catching scents so strong I could taste them already.
I knew the howling was mine, I could feel my muscles twinge and pull as I stretched out onto the cold earth.
I was a wolf now, strong and to be feared
I knew I was still in here, still Athena
Much more convoluted now, but free.
I felt the hunger twist in my stomach as a deer cried in the distance to me
My nose picked up the scent as the pads of my feet rolled me back up to stand.
I let out a low utteral growl as I moved towards the scent
Stealthy and aggressive
Feeling the grass pull through my silver and pearlescent fur, highlighted from the crescent moon above me
The hot metallic scent of blood rushing through its veins as I salivated.
That ones mine I felt, as I approached it
My vision now distorted in colours
Of blues and grays
I was in my true form now, I could do anything now.
Flashes of flesh, a scream and all was limp.
It was mine now, everything was mine.
Even the black shadow of the wolf across from me.



"You're hogging all the blankets bitch!"

"Huh? Clarabear?" I groaned out, hiding my eyes from the sun blaring in through the bedroom window. I watched as my dark haired beauty of a bestfriend rolled herself back to face me. "Hi." She said as she grinned her perfect pearly whites at me.

"What are you doing here? Aren't I still-"

"At J.K's? Yup. He's not here, or I wouldn't be here. I don't want to be anywhere near that piece of shit. But he called Yoongi to bring me here, we also got your stuff you left behind."

"Where did you find it?"

"You left it in.. Jimin's car. Well your purse with your phone and keys anyways."

I groaned as I hid myself back under the covers. "Here comes the reality check." I thought as I felt her wrap her arm around me to snuggle. "I was so fucking worried that you were here with him."


"I know I'm sorry, I just didn't want to see Jimin. I don't even know where J.K found me. I left so fast that night, I had no idea where I ended up. I didn't know where else to go. I'm really sorry Clara."

"I'm just glad you're safe. Are we going to talk about the fact that you're naked wrapped in satin right now or?" She whispered as I knew she must have had the biggest smirk on her face.

"Yeah, we aren't going to talk about that."

'I'm the fucking worst'

"Wait, so you got into a fight with your boyfriend and ended up cheating on him with his brother? Are you homie hopping now? Also, rough."

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