12. Silent Cry

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Eat your young - Hozier🎶

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Eat your young - Hozier

I walked out of my apartment building and headed to the cafe to meet Namjoon. Wrapping a sweater around my arms, still wearing my dress from earlier. I knew this day would come, but everything in me felt on edge. What did he know about me? What did Jimin tell him? I guess I was about to find out. To be honest, I needed all the help I could get with this.

I turned the corner and walked up to the yellow awning when I saw a tall and broad blonde man, sticking out like a sore thumb. He stood at the front, texting on his phone when suddenly he looked up at me and smiled. "Athena?" He spoke as his calm demeanor reached out to shake my shivering hand. "Namjoon?" I smiled as I shook his hand.

"Have a seat." He smiled as he pulled out a chair for me. I thanked him as I sat to face him, feeling the panic set in as I had no idea what was going to be said. I could only imagine what Jimin had told him about me.

He sat there with a gentle energy and a ton of charisma, wearing a navy-blue dress shirt, tucked into black jeans with rips in the knees. His bright blonde hair reflecting the light above us, casting a halo around him. His soft eyes and skin instantly calmed me as I waited for him to speak.

"So, I'm happy to finally have met you Athena, Jimin has told me so much about you."

"I'm sure, he has. Nothing great I assume."

"Oh? Why do you say that? I heard nothing but good things about you." He said as he grabbed a menu from the table. "Is there something I should know about?"

"Oh, well- no. Not really, sorry carry on." I stuttered as I grabbed a menu to hide behind as I could feel my face get hot.

"Are you hungry at all? Thirsty? My treat." He smiled as the waitress came to take our order. "Oh, uh sure. Just a coffee is good." I smiled as he nodded and ordered for us.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Namjoon, and I'm the leader of our pack here in the city, I'm sure you've been told a little bit already, correct?" He said as I nodded for him to continue. "I actually showed up to Jimin's last night, as I am in town, and he filled me in on your situation."

"I take it that you are brand new to this, and are having a bit of a hard time?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I smiled as I looked away from him.

"Ahh, no problem, I figured as much. He told me that you were having a lot of out of body pulls and were phasing? He let me know he had brought you back."

I nodded, "Yeah, I've had nightmares for years but as soon as I met.. a few of you. It started accelerating fast and before I knew it I was losing myself. Out of body experiences and blackouts especially."

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