14. Clara

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**Trigger Warning**
This chapter contains violence and mature subject matter.

Let me down slowly - Alec Benjamin🎶

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Let me down slowly - Alec Benjamin

Clara/2 hours earlier.

"I don't think we should do this anymore Tae." I whined, as I ran my fingers through his brown waves. "You're no good for me."

He shot his head up from between my legs, holding them tightly against the countertop in the kitchen. "Do we have to talk about it right now? I'm kind of busy."

"Okay, fuck it. Keep going." I moaned, as I pushed his head back down between my legs. I was a few seconds away from reaching my end and then he was out of my life forever.

'Ha, that should be written on my stone.'

I leaned my head back, as I was propped up on my arms against the white marble. "Just like that, fuck Tae!" I screamed out, as my eyes rolled back and my legs started to shake. "God, you're killing me!"

He moaned into me, as I slowly fell limp against him. Trying to catch my breath, he brought himself up to me and wiped his face against the back of his hand, before placing his lips against mine softly.

"Be with me Clara."

I shot up to sit fully and glared him down. Watching his smoldering dark eyes beam at me, waiting for me to answer and fall into his arms like a giddy little high schooler.

"Hard pass."

I watched his face fall into a frown as he leaned his back against the sink. "Come on, we've been doing this for months now. When are you going to forgive me for my minor incident, it was literally an accident."

"How was sleeping with a random girl at a club an accident? Did you accidently happen to fall into her pussy?" I huffed out, jumping off the counter and walking to the couch. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But she didn't matter to me, not like you do. I can't stop thinking about you baby, please. Just please give me a chance." He whined as he followed me to sit beside me.

"Why do you boys never listen to the words "No." and "Fuck off?"

He ran his hand through his hair as he leaned back and sighed. "I will never stop trying to get you Clara, you were meant for me."

"Yeah I've heard that a few times, and where are they now?" I laughed as I shook my head, moving to lay my legs over his and turned on the TV.

"You know, we were perfectly fine Athena and I, before you idiots came along. Now I never see her and you never let me breathe."

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