17. Jungkook

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**Trigger Warning**
This chapter talks about death/suicide and strong subject matter.

Paint it black - Ciara🎶

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Paint it black - Ciara


Taehyung and I were only 8 when we were dropped off at McAdams's Academy. Our parents had woke us both up in the middle of the night, yelling that it was our fault we had to leave, like two inconveniences that should've died at birth. We were nothing to them, to our pack. Not anymore. My mother adopted Tae into our family when his mother died, beaten to death by her husband. Tae's stepfather. He never knew his real dad, it was probably for the best. Who needed parents anyways?

Both of us would end up jumping from family to family as the years passed, causing problems and being sent right back to the Academy again. Tae would light a couch on fire in the family's home, and I'd be sleeping with the neighbor next door.

In the midst of foster care, juvenile detention and getting into fist fights, we were visited nightly by the dark. It started off every other night when Tae would cry himself to sleep, while I laid awake and stared at the ceiling. One day the dark had risen up to our chests over the covers as we slept. Whispering sweet nothings into my ear until I'd shoot up in bed screaming at it.

No matter where we went, or what we did. It followed us, followed me. I grew accustomed to seeing it, until that one lonely night on our 17th birthday, we both confronted it. Sitting on the edge of our beds, asking the dark flow of growing mist what it wanted from us. A voice growled out and sent a chill down my back, "I'll give you everything you want, anything. Love, money, importance. You'll never have to feel alone ever again, not when I'm here. All you have to do is pay the price when it's asked of you."

Tae had fully stood up, trying to conceal his shaking hands in his pockets, as I remained seated and swallowed my nerves down the best I could. "What do you mean pay the price? We are already cursed as wolves, isn't that enough?" I asked.

A low growl filled the room as it twisted into a maniacal laugh. "Don't you want more Jungkook? Don't you want to feel immortal power running through your veins? Looking down at anyone whose ever doubted you? Knowing you can crush them like bugs."

I smiled slightly at the question, "Of course, but I don't want to have to repay it back. Can't I just get a freebie or something? A repayment for my shitty life?"

"I'd consider this the repayment, you will get whatever you want and need, no matter what. But you are your own sacrifice to me, and I will take you with me when you feel you've had enough. Think about it, that could take ions."

"So you're asking us to sell our souls?" I laughed slightly as I looked over at Tae. Visibly anxious and having no idea what to say.

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