30. Praying

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**This Chapter Contains Mature Subject Matter**

**This Chapter Contains Mature Subject Matter**⚠

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Remember that night? - Sara Kays


The wild tall grass hit my sides as I ran.
The blades whipping against my arms and cheeks as I smiled, feeling the morning air hit my chest.

I felt so free in this moment, the sun was shining down, creating flecks of light through the clouds above me.

When I finally reached the open fields, I laid down on the warm earth and closed my eyes.


You never know what true peace feels like until it's all that is left to feel.

I spread my arms and legs out into a star and let myself fall into a state of bliss, even if it was only just for a moment.

As I lay a hand gently fell into mine.

I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the right and smiled.

My angel.

The silver bright and shining, dancing in his eyes at me like opening night at a ballet theatre.

"I missed you." He said.

"And I you."


Misery loves company.

I sat on my couch, staring at the hole that was put in my drywall just mere hours ago. Tracing the jagged and ripped pieces as if I was trying to make sense of what the fuck just transpired here. I imagined the hole morphing into a much larger one, bigger and bigger until it just swallows me whole.

I wish something would swallow me whole.

Sometimes I think that God chooses certain people to be put on this earth just to suffer. I don't know if that's for his entertainment or for humanities, but I've had enough suffering to entertain the masses for this life and the next.

Nobody tells you how to listen to "I'm sorry" and accept it, or to try and decipher it. Who made up that word anyways? "Sorry" sounds like a complete farce to me. Sorry doesn't fix the bitter burning sensation that fills my chest every night, sorry doesn't cure depression. Sorry doesn't make things better or fill the void of a loss. Sorry doesn't repair the damage of one's actions, that create a trauma that will live and fester inside one's bones.

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