Episode 17: Truth of my lies

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"Tats', calm down."


Saro had a tight grip on his feral girlfriend which didn't take much effort. By now even she knew that using her powers with him around was useless but still, her anger could not be reasoned with.

Infront of them sat Amai Mask in his office chair, in his special abode of a skyscraper.

"Please, Tornado. This sort of violence will put some strain on your public image." He said with a shrug while he intently read the magazine in his hand.

"When I'm through with you, your image's going to be gone because I'LL RIP IT OFF MYSELF!"

"I think it's best you just explain some things before my arms get tired." Saro said nonchalantly.

Mask sighed and slipped off his glasses before tossing the magazine onto the table.

"Rebirth, it's business. I'm responsible for advertising and popularizing the Heros Association so that it gains the glory it needs for new aspiring recruits."

"And that includes exposing our personal lives to the world like some show piece?" Saro set Tatsumaki down with a firm grip on her shoulder which he made sure gave her the message.

"Do you realize how big this can be?" Mask then raised his hands up as if presenting a title.

"S Class, Rank 1 and 2! Earth's most powerful heros, protecting the planet with their eternal bond!"

"This will not only be big for the association but it will give you a mote positive reaction from the people, they'll look upon you two and be happy to know that such powerful heros are together and give them the peaceful thought of safety that we were meant to provide for ages!" He said excitedly.

"And you, for some reason, thought we were ready for this to be public knowledge." Saro sighed.

"Hey, if you weren't, you wouldn't be making out 3,000 ft in the air." Mask shrugged with a smirk.

"IT WAS A-" Tatsumaki was stopped again by Saro scooping her up.

"This is why the association was desperate enough to get someone like me." Saro sighed. "Aside the corrupt inner system and laziness of the committee, it's full of money sucking schemes and political connections that make it seem as though it's more so a mercenary NGO than a Hero Organization."

"Oh? Surely you don't think it's that low of a situation." Mask questions.

"If you're failing to see the things wrong with what's happening then you'll fail to make things right when it counts."

"Put me down--!"

Saro left the room with Tatsumaki under his arm like a duffle bag.

Mask was left alone in the silent room with his own thoughts, pondering Saro's words as he sank back down to his seat.

"Corrupted from within..."

He ran his fingers through his hair as he stared up at the burning lights on the ceiling.

Outside, Saro finally let go of Tatsumaki who had cooled down on the elevator right down.

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