Episode 4: Blinded Hero

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Hospital City-H

Over the next few weeks or so, Saro was confined to bed in the hospital but he couldn't complain about such a thing when he had the company of multiple heroes coming to visit him.

"The destruction of A-City was a devastating loss to the country and truly a breath taking moment to the world. Millions of it's residents are now left without a home but with such a dark time looming over us, we cannot overlook the ever growing light of hope. As just stated, more than a million people have survived such a catastrophic event and millions more could have been lost if not for the great symbols of justice that are the Hero's Association and their newest S class Hero, Rebirth. This new hero has taken the hearts and voices of people across the country despite much oppression for the city's destruction. This new brought fame has given the hero the support of other heroes as well. Last updated, he's recovering from the impact of the battle as we speak and the population is awaiting his retur-" He switches off the TV.

Multiple civilians has come to thank the Hero and offer gifts in appreciation.

This was a confusing time for Saro as he had never thought about the consequences of his actions in such a way. He never believed that he'd see the day where he had a name for himself, where people would thank him, be happy to see him, overjoyed by his presence.

"You don't look pleased to hear the news, Master." Genos pointed out.

He sat next to Saro's bed, holding a plate of sliced apples in his hand.

"It's not that, I'm happy alright. And please don't call me that." Saro swiped a slice from the plate. "I guess I'm just...still processing it all. I never expected my name and face to be all the rage."

"It's a given with heroes. Aside the power and responsibilities comes the popularity. Having a fanbase isn't exactly something I myself enjoy but it's fancied in the Association. Heroes like Amai Mask use this to gain status in both heroism and social recognition." Genos explained.

"I get that, guess it's a first for me. I'll have to get used to it but at the same time I don't want to." Saro looked at his arms and began squeezing his hands. Still assessing the condition of his body.

"Doctors said you're making a more quicker recovery than anticipated. You'll likely be ready to leave after the coming week."

"And after that, I'll finally have a proper meeting with the other S classes and run down the new plans." Saro said with his old positive tone resurfacing.

A short while after, Genos got ready to leave as visiting hours were nearing it's end. When he got up however, a new visitor came to stop by.

"Oh hey! Miss Blizzard!"

Saro greeted the dark haired woman who walked into the room with an elegant strut. Her lack of a fur coat was a new sight but nothing that would downplay her beauty.

"I hadn't heard from you since the invasion. I'm glad you're doing fine."

Fubuki walked up the the bed side next to Genos and stared at Rebirth for a moment but eventually showed a light smile.

"All thanks to you after all." She sat down at the foot of the bed while Genos showed a more cautious stance as he stepped away. "It would seem you weren't kidding when you said you were an S rank. I feel like a fool for even doubting it, now that I think about it."

"Eh, I wouldn't hold it against you. I don't exactly look like the hero type to begin with." Saro shrugged.

"And yet you're able to withstand ordering my sister around, that alone is quite admirable." Fubuki said with a twitch in her eye.

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