Episode 7: Missing Motivation

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With Genos now temporarily out of commission for the day, Saro had taken to the Association to look for any work needed to be done or if there's already another sponsor needing protection.

Sitch, in turn, gave him something more.

"We've found a potential lead on the Monster Association's main lair. The dead outskirts of Z-City is infested with all sorts monsters ever since it was evacuated. When the association announced it's existence, many of the monsters there began moving around or rather away to join forces with said association. Now I know that sort of sounds obvious when put like that, but Z-City has been a Monster hot spot for a long time now, there's no telling what's lurking there anymore. Find a way to locate their base and report back to us, but DO NOT under any circumstances, engage the association on your own."

Saro recalled these words from Sitch as he wandered around ghost town.

"Aaghh....! This place gives me the creeps." He made eye contact with every broken down and abandoned building nearby. The silence in a large city is something he's never heard before, even at the dead of night.

On his way down a wide city road, Saro spots a bastion of monsters herding near a store.

They were all barely an inch taller than him, their appearance looked alot like humans except the fact that they were all covered in fur and had a show of teeth.

"Huh, werewolves? That's a new one."

All the beings present turned their attention to Saro.

"A human?!"
"In these parts? He must have a death wish!"
"More on the menu for us!"

A total of four of these beasts lunge at Saro. He was already flexing his arm as he recoiled his elbow, he brought out his index and middle fingers of both hands and began waving his hands around, imitating the flow of water.

With a swift lunge of his hands, the monsters exploded to nothing but red mist. The road side and glass of a nearby clothing store were now repainted with their remains.

What was left of the group of monsters who didn't engage, stayed frozen at the mere sight of the man before them.

Saro on the other hand was looking at his hands, an impressed look in his eyes.

"Damn, Bang's moves really are no joke... combining them with a small portion of Boros' powers makes this a bit more entertaining." He mumbled as he slowly let his arms down and turned to the monsters.

Their blood ran cold when he made eye contact with them. The fur coated monsters were internally crying, they had already embraced the death that was upon them.

"Oy! You guys know anything about a Monster's Association?"

"Eh?" The monsters halted their distressed thoughts. 'Crap...does he already know why we're regrouping?!' they thought.

"Give me an answer or I'll gut it out of you..." Saro clenched his fist and raised it at the monsters.

"Wait wait wait!!"
"We were just headed there! We can tell you!"
"Just don't- don't kill us!"


E-City Grand Water Resort
4 days later...

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