Episode 16: Alluring Scheme

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Saro and Tatsumaki arrive at the scene. The Hero's Association HQ was partially engulfed in flames with a tower of smoke beaming out of the near top floor. Specifically where the party was being held.

"Zeal, what the hell happened here?!" Saro yelled as the two heros blast towards the tower and enter right through the flaming hole in the wall.

"Unknown cyborgs attacked the HQ. They're no ordinary bunch."

"Tats, keep a look out, but also make sure this building stays standing."

She didn't nod or respond in anyway but Saro knew she'd do it anyway.

They separate and searched the halls of the tower, finding injured or dead staff members along the way. Eventually Saro reached the main party hall where he saw only half of the heros he left behind, battling an unstoppable force.

Bang and Zombieman were being held by the neck by an 8 ft tall silver shelled robot that had beaten them to a near pulp.

Child Emperor and an unconscious Atomic Samurai were sitting in a electrified shield made by child Emperor that was being barraged by punches, pushing it into the ground by another robot of the same shape.

"Zeal, give me a location on everyone." Saro said as he jumped into the air and slammed his foot down, releasing a charge of electricity enough to short out a few of the bots and destroy the lights.

Emergency back up lights were activated a few seconds later and Saro took this time to make his assault.

Boosting off to the first target, he activated Blast's powers and used gravity knuckles to knock the cyborg right into the wall and pin it there. Making it drop Bang and Zombieman.

The two cough violently while trying to stop their injuries from leaking any more blood.

"R-rebirth! These things they...they know our every move!" Zombieman yelled.

"Not only that, but they're somehow built to counter those moves and neutralize them!" Child Emperor answered as he readied his own weapons.

Saro finished off the bot by plunging his fists into the machine and blasting it's core from the inside.

"Where are the other's?! I need Demon Cyborg!" Rebirth yelled as he boosted down and crushed the bot mauling emperor's shield.

"Darkshine and Atomic Samurai took Sitch and the remaining committee to safety, though they had those robots on their tail too." Bang explained.

"If I had to assume, then I think that all S ranks have their own personal killer drone after them." Zombieman regenerated himself and grunted.

Rebirth switched to Tatsumaki's powers.

"Tats', I'm going to look for Genos, head down to the basement levels and find Sitch and the others, they're in trouble."

No response from Tatsumaki yet again, but he knew she was already on their tail by now.

Rebirth then addressed the rest in the room.

"What about the others? Tank Top and Bad aren't here."

"They took their fight outside, you go do your thing, we'll back them up." Zombieman pointed his thumb over his shoulder.

"We probably won't do much considering we couldn't handle the ones sent after us but strength in numbers is always an advantage." Bang grumbled as him and the remaining heros follow to the giant hole in the wall.

"Understood. But hey!" Rebirth calls out to them. "Try and stay within HQ, borders!"

Bang gives a signature thumbs up before jumping out with the others.

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