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"What would he get out of... me leaving you?" Lisa looked at him in surprise.

"That would depend on him. After all, we're not him, and we don't know what's going on in that head of his. Then again... it's only a guess. There's no proof that points to him."

"It just proves his intelligence. He never leaves loose ends untied," Lisa said.

That's why she and Jungkook never liked him, even when they were young.

Jungkook fell silent; he agreed with what Lisa said... they seemed to be on the same page.

"Kook... I suddenly thought of something." Lisa turned around and moved up closer to Jungkook, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Tell me."

"I think we should keep pretending that we're in a fight... play along with the enemy's plan and see how far he will go. He already set up the chess pieces, so why not play along?"

"No, it's too dangerous... I don't want to put you at a disadvantage." Jungkook's grip around Lisa's hand tightened as if he was afraid that he would suddenly lose her.

"I won't be... he had so many opportunities to get to me. He wouldn't go through all that, so I'm interested to see what kind of game he's playing at."

Lisa's instincts told her that she wouldn't be in danger...

However, she was curious because she didn't know what he wanted to do. Therefore, she wanted to keep investigating.

Before Jungkook said anything, Lisa added, "kook, we may be unharmed after this incident, but it doesn't mean we'll be so lucky next time. He may cause more trouble and set us up again... I'd rather we go with the flow this time... As long as the two of us work together to put on a show, I'm sure we'll be extremely convincing."

"Even so... we'll have to keep icing each other... That way, I won't be able to see you or hold you." Jungkook was obviously unwilling.

"We're just trying to lure the snake out of its hole, it's not real. We can contact each other in private and use WeChat. Didn't you install anti-wiretap systems onto our phones? No one will know." Lisa smiled.

Jungkook didn't say anything...

He knew Lisa had a point; although it was risky, they couldn't be on the defensive forever.

This time he used Jimin and Kang JiYeong's death to get to them. What would he do next time?

After struggling for a while, he finally gave in to Lisa's persuasion and unwillingly nodded his head...

Lisa pecked him lightly on the corner of his mouth, her eyes filled with content.

"Kook... thanks for all the hard work. Let's work together to deal with our enemy." Lisa was immediately pumped with positive energy.

"You have to promise me that if there's any danger, we'll abort the plan immediately... You can't risk yourself... or else I will never forgive you."

"I got it..." Lisa playfully stuck her tongue out; she felt like Jungkook was way too nervous.

It wasn't like she was made of paper.

In the end, Jungkook left South Side unwillingly and drove back to Imperial Park.

Lisa, on the other hand, continued with her night shift...

– The next morning –

A piece of news exposed by a local newspaper outlet attracted the attention of the entire city.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now