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"What's up?" Lisa purposefully lowered her voice.

"Who's Taehyung?"

Lisa was speechless...

"What's with your expression?" Jennie curiously looked at Lisa.

"You're so scary when you're drunk, you actually blacked out," Lisa stared at Jennie and said, word for word.

"Uh... did I miss something important?" Jennie drank too much that day, even though she took a hangover pill.

However, drinking that much was dangerous...

She pretended to be clear-minded at Seductive Fox, but when she got home, she plummeted into her bed and immediately lost consciousness.

When she got up at noon the next day, her own ceiling was still spinning.

She didn't eat anything that day, because everything tasted of alcohol...

She even locked her door and faked being ill because she was scared that her parents would go insane upon seeing her like this.

Jennie's parents were famous professors that came from esteemed families.

They had high hopes for her and were very strict when it came to discipline...

So, her parents didn't know how rebellious she actually was.

It looked like Jennie really forgot everything...

Lisa pulled her into her office and told her everything that happened that day.

"Ha... I actually did that?"

"What do you think? You're inhumane when you drink too much..." Lisa lamented.

"No wonder that Taehyung guy kept on trying to add me on WeChat, I thought he was harassing me."

Lisa had nothing to say...

"Right, did you film what happened that day? It must've been fun to see him run around naked, right?"

"I didn't dare to, Taehyung would chop me into pieces. Only Jimin would do something as shameless like that." Lisa vaguely remembered that Jimin filmed him and rejoiced in his suffering.

Nobody else would do it even if they had twice the guts...

"Really? Jimin recorded? Ha, then I'll ask him for it later."

"You know Jimin?" Lisa was a little surprised.

"No, but don't you know him?" Jennie said a matter-of-factly.

Lisa was speechless...

"I know, but I am not close to him. Also, if Jungkook knows that I interact with Jimin in secret, he'll be jealous. I would be jealous if I was him, so I can't let Jungkook go through that sort of thing too. "

"Okay... then I'll take care of it myself."

After speaking, Jennie got up to leave...

"Eh... is the engagement thing still on?"

"Who knows... I'll let them arrange things for now. I'll decide whether I want to go depending on my mood that day."

After speaking, Jennie left...

People said that Lisa was capricious, but in comparison to Jennie, she was basically Mother Teresa...

This woman wasn't thinking about her engagement and even had plans to bail?

She wished the best of luck for Bambam's cousin from the look of things.

When Lisa got off work, she was going to head back to South Hill Manor with Jungkook because it was Friday.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt