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"They don't look like they want to go back. I think they want a kiss from me. They even said that they want me to give them a bath tonight," Jungkook said with a serious face.

"Are you trying to be elegant even when you're being a pervert? Kook, seriously?" Lisa was speechless.

"I'm only like this towards my wife. I'm not a pervert, it's called 'spicing things up'."

"Hurry up and hook it back on. Otherwise, I'm not letting you onto my bed tonight." Lisa's last resort was to threaten him.

Jungkook got up unwillingly and slowly hooked her bra back up.

"Phffff… how do you have such a dirty side?" Lisa wanted to puke blood.

"Everyone has multiple sides. If you're always the same, you're probably a fool."

Lisa had to admit that his words made some sense...

"Are you off work now? I'm so hungry."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything but 'tofu'. I also hate anyone who likes to eat 'tofu'." Lisa mocked.

(A\N: eating tofu is another way to say someone feeling someone up)

Smiling, Jungkook held her hands and said, "You should be happy that someone is still interested in eating your 'tofu'. Don't come crying to me when no one wants your 'tofu'."

Lisa, "-_-"

Many of JC's employees saw Jungkook holding hands with Lisa and the two of them going down in Jungkook's personal elevator.

They didn't see Lisa's face too clearly since she had her head down and was walking very quickly.

It was still more than enough to tell that their big boss had a girlfriend.

"Ah, it looks like the gossip was wrong," a female employee lamented.

"What gossip?" asked another.

"There has always been news that our president is gay. Looks like they were wrong. He likes women!"

"She looks so ordinary though… How did she manage to grab his attention?"

"Ordinary? She seemed anything but ordinary. She probably has some special quality that attracted the president. She's so lucky! I'd give up ten years of my life to be his woman."

As the group of female employees continued their chatter, Yerim got off work.

Looking at Jungkook and Lisa walking away together, Yerim felt deep bitterness in her heart...

"Director Kim." At the sight of Yerim, the girls immediately shut their mouths.

Without responding, Yerim walked out of JC with a heavy expression...

Jungkook's reckless show of lovey-doveyness in the company could only mean that he's about to publicize his relationship.

Why is Lisa so lucky? Is it because they met each other in high school?


After they left JC, Jungkook got into Lisa's car and gave his driver directions to Imperial Park.

They went to a western restaurant. Lisa wasn't too much of a fan of western restaurants. She didn't hate them, but she didn't fancy them either.

However, she guessed that Jungkook probably loved western food. After all, he did spend seven years in the States.

"Sir, how would you like your steak done?"

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now