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"Don't worry, I didn't investigate you. I found out by chance, anyways... I'm very interested in you."


"So... you have to be friends with me," Jennie said domineeringly.

"You say it as if I'm not allowed to choose. Are you threatening me?" Lisa smiled.

"Of course it's a threat, you must be friends with me."


"Because I like being friends with people who are just as smart as me."

"Miss Kim, you're really not modest at all."

"Why should I be modest? I'm smart, that's the truth."

"Uhm... okay."

"So, have you agreed?" Jennie looked at Lisa, looking forward to her answer.

"Ya." Lisa nodded.

Then, she saw Jennie take something out from her bag and place it on the table.

"This is for you, as my first friend in 25 years."

Snap... Lisa was shocked. First friend in 25 years? What kind of person was she?

"You don't need to give me anything... and you don't need to be so polite."

"No, take it. I rarely give others gifts, and I've come with a purpose today, and that's to be friends with you, so I prepared a gift."

Lisa slowly picked up the pretty box. As she opened it, she saw that it was a Swarovski brooch.

It was in the shape of a beautiful butterfly with crystal-plated wings.

It looked quite expensive...

"This... is too much."

"Good faith can't be judged by the price. Do you know why I like butterflies?" Jennie asked.

Lisa was silent for a moment, and then she said, "I think it's because you admire them. Butterflies go through the painful process of evolving from a caterpillar to butterfly, but as long as it persists, it will one day break from its shell."

Jennie looked at Lisa with great shock after she heard what the latter said, "I can't believe you analyzed me so correctly. I've liked butterflies since I was a little girl, and my family and colleagues all thought that I only liked them because they were pretty, but that's not the reason. Butterflies are very ugly when they're caterpillars, and they move very slowly. Other bugs frown upon them because they look so insignificant... but they persevere. No matter how you treat them or mock them, they will still survive metamorphosis to finally become a beautiful creature."

"You have a unique personality," Lisa exclaimed.

"Don't mix up my attitude with my personality. My personality comes from who I am as a person, but my attitude is based on who you are."

"Uhm... you have a point, I actually have nothing to say to that."

Lisa suddenly noticed that not only did Jennie have a high EQ, she was also good with words.

Even Lisa, who liked to throw around Chicken Soup for the Soul quotes, had to admit defeat in front of her....

Just then, Jennie looked at her watch, "It's time, I have other things to tend to, so I'll be going now. Let's get dinner in a few days."


Just as Jennie stood up to leave...

Lisa suddenly thought of something, and she shouted, "Wait."

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now