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"You..." Sana was obviously furious.

"Sana, humans are all like this. Kindness is always returned tenfold. I know you're unhappy, but I didn't use any tricks to get promoted. This is the hospital's decision."

"It's all because Director Jung likes you, people all say that you had a thing with Director Jung back when you worked at Asan medical center."

Sana was so furious that she forgot to filter her thoughts.

"You can eat crap, but you can't talk crap. If you're going to spread untrue rumors, then you have to provide proof. Plus, if I really had a thing with Director Jung, do you really think that I would still be just a head nurse?"

"Who knows, maybe you're showing off on purpose."

"I'm not obligated to explain any more to you. Anyways... if we can work together harmoniously, we can be colleagues. If you can't stand me and have to satisfy yourself by talking smack about me every day, go ahead, but... don't ever ask for my help during your shift because I won't help you, not even once."

"I don't need your help, you're not Jesus."

"Good for you, we'll see."

Lisa saw right through people like Sana. Like Dahyun, she was also dark and twisted inside.

On the surface, she pretended to be close to you. However, she becomes jealous as soon as she sees that you're doing better than her.

There was no need to argue or be afraid of people like her, and the best solution was to just ignore her.

Now that Sana worked under Lisa, she had so many ways to make her life hell.

But she didn't want to do that, because it was lame...

People shouldn't spend every day thinking about ways to plot and take revenge on others. If so, that person would be doomed for life.

Those who complain and hate have no future, and Lisa wasn't that stupid...


Since the day Jimin was admitted into the hospital, Lisa was the only one allowed into Jimin's room.

Slowly, Lisa became Jimin's personal nurse, even though she hadn't actually taken care of him.

But to Jimin, she was already a special existence.

- During the routine ward visits -

"How are you feeling today? Does it hurt anywhere?" Lisa asked will reading his reports.

"No." Jimin, down in the dumps after rejection, just played with his phone.

"Take your meds on time and take care of that injured knee. No strenuous exercises for now."

Upon hearing this, Jimin lifted his head and looked at Lisa, "What do you mean by 'strenuous exercises'? I don't know what that is, can you explain it to me?"

Lisa read between the lines and felt her face heat up a bit...

"What I mean is that you should not run, jump, or drive a racecar. It's dangerous, and if you get hurt again, it'll become more serious."

"Yeah? What about... physical needs? I'll be fine as long as I don't take too much initiative?"

Jimin jokingly asked...

"I'm sorry, this isn't within the scope of my responsibilities. You should ask experts in this area."

Then, Lisa turned around to leave...

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now