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Lisa thought those sad memories would cause her mother to treat her with indifference again.

However, to her pleasant surprise, her mother just pursed her lips and said, "He's been dead for so long, why bring him up? I'm happy today, let's just enjoy the food."

Naturally, the other women all changed the subject upon hearing these words.

During the dinner, when Lisa went to get some more rice in the kitchen, Haruto quietly followed her in.

"Noona, forget those old ladies. They're super gossipy like that."

"I know, already forgotten."

"That's good. You don't seem to be too busy these days, right?" Haruto asked his sister.

"Yeah, the hospital gave me three days off so I don't have much to do."

"That's good! If you don't have to go to work today, sleep here tonight. You haven't stayed overnight in a while." Haruto looked at her with puppy eyes. He adored his sister; when they were young, he and his sister often played hide-and-seek under the old tree in the yard. When they were tired, he would fall asleep under that tree, and Lisa would recite Grimm's Fairy Tales to him.

His sister was a genius; Grimm's Fairy Tale is a very thick book, and back then, Haruto couldn't even recognize all the words, but Lisa recited it like it was her own.

He was always so proud of his sister.

Even after his birth father died because of his sister, he never blamed her, not one bit.

Lisa, on the other side, always thought that her brother was a warm and outgoing boy. He was carefree and innocent, and she wanted to protect him.

Especially after Uncle Watanabe's death, she couldn't bear to let anything happen to Haruto.

"Okay." Lisa thought about his request and nodded her head in agreement.

"Yay, awesome!" Haruto was overjoyed.

After dinner, the other women left, and Lisa helped her mother clean up the plates and cutlery.

As she was washing the dishes, she quietly mumbled, "Mom, Mrs. Oh came looking for me a couple of days ago, and she asked me if I wanted to go back."

"Nothing good comes from her contacting you."

"It was about the Oh family's civil war - the wife and mistress are butting heads."

"That's good, I hope they fight to the death. I hope that heartless bastard dies." her mother's heart was filled with resentment at the thought of Lisa's father.

After all, she used to be a celebrity. She had a bright future in front of her and never thought that bastard would ruin her entire life.

In the end, he wouldn't even acknowledge his own child and gave that sly vixen Sooyoung an opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

"I won't go back, I'm not interested in their inheritance or anyone in that family." Lisa told her mother how she felt.

Her mother stopped what she was doing; she turned around to look at Lisa.

"It's rare for you to think that way."

"I don't want to go through the pain that you went through. I don't care about money; more money, more problems. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you and Ruto peacefully. Once our Ruto gets married, I'll take you down south, country side. We'll have a chance to go see our country's beautiful mountains and rivers."

Lisa's words touched her mother's heart...

Since the death of Haruto's father, she always blamed Lisa for everything that happened. The truth was, she didn't really hate her daughter.

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