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"It's nothing." Lisa turned her head as her voice quivered.

Jungkook lifted his arm in an attempt to wipe away her tears, but Lisa immediately gripped his IV-injected arm and forced it down.

"Don't move your arm, the blood might backflow."

"Okay." Jungkook smiled a little and said nothing.

"Oh yeah, did you end up switching back the work hours of your employees?" The thought suddenly popped into Lisa's head.

"I did."

"Really?" Lisa questioned.

"If you don't believe me, you can look for yourself." Jungkook pulled out his phone and showed Lisa the company's live security footage.

Lisa felt relieved upon seeing that the employees had returned to their normal schedule.

"Stay home and rest today. Don't go to work."

"It's fine, I'll head out after the IV."

"No, you're staying home," Lisa commanded.

"Will you stay with me then?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa was a little embarrassed, so she didn't answer him, but she did not deny it either.

"I'm working the night shift today so I will be home all day. You can tell me what you want to eat and I will prepare it," Lisa said slowly after a while.

"I can eat whatever I want?" Jungkook tilted his head and stared at Lisa, his eyes gleaming.

Lisa immediately knew that this guy was probably thinking about something inappropriate.

Sure enough, the next sentence Jungkook said was, "Can I eat you?"

"No," Lisa immediately and strictly refused.

Jungkook looked down at the needle in his arm and didn't say anything. He looked slightly disappointed.

"I can make some vegetable congee for you later. You have enteritidis, so you can't eat anything greasy."

"So, you're saying I can't eat you because you're too greasy?" Jungkook playfully lifted his head and asked.


Immediately, Lisa raged with fire.

"Do you want to die? I'm not greasy."

"Right, you're fat but not greasy, it's a good thing!"

Lisa was exasperated. If this guy weren't a patient, she would have surely tossed him out the window, despite them living on the sixteenth floor. She couldn't care less.

Of course, the immature side of Jungkook was the same as seven years ago. Not only was he devious, but he also had a venomous tongue.

Back then, they kept bickering and bickering and bickering with each other, until one day the bickering turned into a relationship.

As for this profound relationship, there were many good parts to it every time she walked down memory lane.

If it weren't for those external factors, Lisa thought, meeting Jungkook would have been the best thing that ever happened to her.

The tragedies that later occurred were truly unfortunate...

Lisa picked up a call as soon as she finished making the congee and prepared a bowl for Jungkook.

Lisa's expression changed slightly after hanging up the phone.

A person as clever as Jungkook would never miss it.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now