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"That's right, is there a problem?" Lisa said as she finally raised her head and stared Mr. Oh down.

"There's no problem. I also heard that Park Jimin favored you."

"What about it? Is that any of your business?" Lisa asked back, not leaving any negotiating room.

"Child, calm down. I thought that… if you liked Jimin too, I can help you out. I can let you back into the Oh Family and give you the same status as Nancy. Then, maybe the Park Family will easily accept you."

"If we get engaged, you can then rightfully use the? Park Family's powers to help you expand your business empire, solidify your ambitions, promote your biological son and daughter, and please your mistress, isn't that right?" Lisa exposed Mr. Oh's intentions for him right away.

Seeing Lisa's fast reaction stunned Mr. Oh for a second, it was as if he didn't expect Lisa to see everything thoroughly.

"How could you think of me that way?"

"How else should I think?" Lisa crossed her arms around her chest and looked at him coldly.

"I know… I know that after all these years, you have become prejudiced against me. I don't blame you, really. I'm only trying to help you because, with your current status, there's no way the the Parks will let you into their family."

"That's funny, why would I want to enter the Park Family?"

"Don't you like Jimin?" Mr. Oh asked.

"Which god told you that I liked him? It's as if everything was of your own presumptuous speculation."

"Don't you know who Jimin is? He's a man who every woman desires, a gift from God," Mr. Oh stated Jimin's prestigious status, trying to make Lisa see the truth.

"Ha… that's unlucky, it just so happens that I am a woman who does not dream of Jimin."

"Lisa… don't be so stubborn. You should be honored that he likes you. You know that, right?"

"I know what you're thinking about, you wish that he liked Nancy, but it sucks that he doesn't, right?" Lisa hit the crucial point with one sentence.

Seeing Lisa's animosity, Mr. Oh decided to take a more gentle approach...

With a loving tone, he said, "In my heart, you're the same as Nancy. I'll be happy no matter who marries into the Park Family."

"Don't you think that it's funny to say such contradictory words? I feel like laughing just listening to you. How could I ever be the same as Nancy? She has been a socialite for more than twenty years, and I've been 'blessed with' the burden of being your illegitimate daughter for about the same time. Nancy and I are completely different, whether it's status, fame, or prestige. Mr. Oh, even though I graduated from a third-rate university, don't sell me short because of my education."

After quarreling with Lisa, he had not gained a cent's worth of advantage...

Mr. Oh was completely dumbfounded...

"Anyways, just consider this opportunity. If you need status, come to me anytime. Even though you stated your leave from the Oh Family, it won't change the fact that I am your father."

"You sure are upfront now. Where were you twenty years ago?" Lisa rolled her eyes at Mr. Oh.

Mr. Oh was at a loss for words.

After Lisa rendered him speechless, he got up and left. He had made himself very clear.

If Lisa really wanted to come back to him, he would welcome her with open arms.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now