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Lisa nodded in response to Sana's greeting.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?" Lisa asked the old patient as a formality.

"Not too bad, but my chest feels stuffy at times. Can you do anything about that?"

"It's probably because you've been cooped up in this room this whole time, and the ventilation isn't that good. I suggest that your friend take you on short walks in the back garden. Exercise is good for your recovery."

"Okay, thanks, Head Nurse." The old patient was polite; aside from the fact that he was a little bit of a pervert.

Lisa glanced at Sana and reminded her, "He has diabetes, make sure you control what he eats. Don't let him have too much sweet fruit."

"I know that, you don't have to remind me. I'm his girlfriend, of course, I know him well."

"That's for the best." Lisa smiled. Then, she turned on her heel and left.

"I hate how she thinks she's almighty and always pretends to be super-rational..." Sana cursed at Lisa as she walked away.

"Sweetie, are you talking about the head nurse? She seems like a good person who is good at her job."

"What do you know? She's awful, we all hate her," Sana spat furiously.

Speaking of South Side Recuperation Center, it was true that not a lot of people liked Lisa. Why?

Because she proposed a reorganization of South Side and made nurses change out of their sexy uniforms and into all-white uniforms.

She also proposed that all nurses and doctors be tested on their skills, forcing them to up their game.

The lives of those who weren't that good at their jobs and just wanted to get by became harder, and therefore they all secretly hated Lisa.

However, Lisa wasn't worried; she was working at a hospital, so it should operate like a hospital.

The good thing was, Director Jung was smart enough to approve her proposals. Some bad habits still lingered, but South Side was officially reorganized.

Overall, the hospital improved quite a bit and so did its reputation.

After her night shift, it was already 7:30 AM when Lisa arrived at home.

Jungkook was already awake and was making her breakfast.

"You're home? Go wash your hands, I'll make you some fried eggs." Jungkook was waiting for Lisa to come home so that the food wouldn't become cold.

Lisa was touched as she watched Jungkook working in the kitchen...

How many women were lucky enough to meet a man who was willing to cook for her?

Especially when this man was always super busy managing a billion-dollar company.

That's why it could be said that those who always say they are too busy were actually secretly telling you that you aren't the most important person to them.

It meant that he didn't care about what you cared about; at least not yet.

Soon, Jungkook finished cooking. He walked out of the kitchen with the eggs and carefully placed the plate in front of Lisa.

"Try it, is it overcooked?"

"Of course not, it looks delicious."

"Thanks, little asskisser." Jungkook smiled.

The only time he smiled like this was when he was with Lisa.

When he was at work or outside, others always thought of him as the 'Iceberg' president.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now