Chapter 10: The Hunt Begins

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Around 15 minutes later we finally finished preparing for our mission so currently now we're just waiting on the other Squad to arrive now. All of the sudden, I hear someone walking behind me

 All of the sudden, I hear someone walking behind me

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???: Ah you guys are already here already. hehe~

You: (Speak of the devil)

???: Mihara, who are these people who are with us?

Mihara: Ah, these people is our escorts for this mission. Speaking of which, hello, I suppose you are Commander Fern?

You: Yes, and you are Mihara I suppose?

Mihara: Fufufufufu~ That's me, and this is Yuni

Yuni: Heyyyy Commander! What color would you like? Black or grey?

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Yuni: Heyyyy Commander! What color would you like? Black or grey?

You: I'd choose grey, is there any reason why you asked me that?

Yuni: Nothing! Nothing at all, hehehehe~

You: (This girl is crazy...) Well, anyways let's go. I'll call Rapi and the others.

Mihara: All right.

After a while of finding Rapi and my other squadmates, we leave the Ark

You: Gias, set course for the Northeast Sector.

[Setting course for the Northeast sector, how far would you like to mark it from your current location]

You: I suppose we can travel 50 kilometers.

[Setting waypoint at 50 kilometers, heading 45]

Rapi: Fern, how do you plan to capture Chatterbox?

Fern: Well, Wardress will take care of it. We just have to escort them and take out any Raptures in the area.

Marian: What if we don't find Chatterbox?

Mihara: Simple, we continue searching.

Anis: Won't we run out of supplies?

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