Chapter 3: Corruption..?

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Marian: Okay... Engaging!

You: Shields up.

[Engaging Shields]

Rapi: Encounter!

We all start shooting at the Raptures swarming at us. I was mostly concentrating my fire on the Lord, it was pretty easy to say the least. It didn't take long before we pretty much cleared all of them. I noticed that all of them were shooting at the red core. their guns are pretty much barely able to destroy these Raptures, and most likely much less a Lord. I also noticed that even though all three of them are cyborgs, they don't act like one usually found in the Federation, in the way that our droids had the same, strict, obedient personality. Over here however each had their personalities. Anis is more of an extrovert and makes jokes sometimes, Rapi is more of a military advisor, and Marian is more like an older sibling, having a similar attitude to Rapi's but is more outgoing like Anis.

Anis: Well, that was easy.

You: That was, Shields down.

[Disengaging Shields]

Shifty: Battle over. Damage report?

Rapi: Minimal damage. Sufficient ammo remaining.

Anis: Same here. How about you Fern?

You: Moderate damage on my shields no damage detected on my exterior, and 79% battery remaining on my rifle. It's fine though, since I have a bunch of batteries in my backpack.

Anis: Your technology is that advanced huh? Wonder where on this planet did you find it from? The weapons you got must be 100 times more powerful than the guns we got here, it took out a Lord in about 2 hits, and your shields is the same. We have no shields in the Ark, we have to make do with natural cover instead, so having shields like that would be a massive game-changer for us.

Shifty: You said you're an outsider right? Where did you get your equipment from?

You: Someone gave it to me.

Shifty: I won't press on it, Marian, what's your damage report?

Marian: Minor damage to the left clavicle. Moderate damage to the lower right projector. Abrasion to the left eye caused by a stray bullet, no irregularities in identifying targets. The overall damage rate is 14.45%. Still combat capable.

Shifty: Very well.

Anis: Are you sure that's not too high?

Marian: It doesn't matter. We're almost there. Let's pick up the pace.

I then took out a bandage from my backpack I'd been keeping and covered it on Marian's injuries.

Marian: Fern...

Anis: What on earth are you doing? That kind of stuff is useless to a Nikke.

You: We don't know if it could be infected of some sort, even if you are non-human.

Marian: No it works... It feels like I'm being healed... from the inside...

Anis and Rapi were dumbfounded and looked at me

Marian: I could use another bandage here as well.

I applied another bandage to her injury

Marian: Thank you. The pain is gone already.

We then continued to walk towards our destination, and when we arrived there. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen. It was nearly silent and not a corpse or body could be seen.

Goddess of Victory: Valoria ApexTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang