Future Queen

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"Alice, you wouldn't be able to do me a favour, would you?" Mummy asked as I sat at the island opposite her cooking in the kitchen. I looked up from my laptop to her.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Will you run over to Harry's? See if he's got any flour I could borrow to finish this recipe." she questioned.

"Yes, I can, any specific type?" I replied, shutting my laptop.

"Self raising or plain, whatever he's got." she said, as I got off the stool.

"Ok, and then, when I come back, do you think we could talk about my birthday?" I asked her.

"Alice, it's only October and your birthday isn't until December." she insisted.

"The start of December though, and you always complain that you don't have enough to get me for my birthday and Christmas." I said.

"I've told you, it's Father Christmas who brings your Christmas presents, especially when George and Charlotte are around." she said, her voice hushed slightly.

"Sorry, but they aren't even here, they're asleep." I said.

"I know, but come on, I don't want them not believing in Santa. It ruins the whole magic of Christmas." she told me.

"Not for me it doesn't." I smiled, before leaving the kitchen and going downstairs and then out the front door. I wished I'd put my coat on, as I walked across the courtyard to Nottingham Cottage in the bitter October cold. I walked a little quicker, until I got to Harry's front door, where I knocked and waited for him to answer.

"Hello Alice Wales, I didn't know you were around this week." he said, after he'd opened the door.

"It's half term still. Mummy sent me over, she says have you got any flour?" I asked.

"Hey Haz, what time do you want me to order dinner for?" I heard a woman's voice shout from inside. Harry looked panicked as we both listened.

"Erm, sorry, I just, I've just got a friend staying, erm, flour was it?" he stuttered nervously.

"Yes, which friend is it? Anyone I know?" I asked. He shook his head, adamantly, before looking at me, with guilt written all over his face. "Is it a new girlfriend?" I whispered, so the lady inside didn't hear me. Harry paused for a second, before nodding.

"You won't tell a soul, will you?" he asked.

"That depends." I replied. He knew I wouldn't tell anyone, but as Papa had always taught me, it was always lots of fun to wind Harry up.

"Oh shut up, get inside." he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house, before shutting the door behind me. "Erm, Meg, there's actually someone here I wanted you to meet." Harry said nervously, once the echoing of the door slamming had stopped. He pulled my arm as he led me through to the living room, where there was a lady sat on her phone. She had her back to me, but I could see her long brown hair hanging over the sofa as she looked at the TV. She turned around a few seconds later, and looked at the two of us, before standing up from the sofa and putting down her phone.

"Hello, I'm Meghan." she said, immediately outstretching her hand for me to shake it, before pulling it back and then awkwardly bowing in the direction of the sofa. Harry and I both looked at each other and laughed.

"Meg, you don't have to do that, really? It's only Alice." Harry told her. Meghan's face went almost bright red with embarrassment.

"Hey, I'm not only Alice." I said, lightly hitting Harry's arm.

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