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"What time did your mother say she was coming Alice?" Mrs Hunter, my housemistress, asked, as I stood at the front window of the boarding house.

"I can't remember miss, but she's been working in Pangbourne today, so she shouldn't be much longer." I told her. I gasped as a car pulled into the driveway and I recognised Rebecca, Mummy's private secretary sat in the front passenger seat of the car. I watched as the car stopped and Mumma got out the back. "Mrs Hunter, she's here." I called and she came out of her office as I opened the door for Mumma. I launched myself into her arms, knocking her backwards a little as I did.

"Hey Alice bug, I missed you too." she joked before I let go of her. "I'm so sorry I'm late." Mumma said, turning to Mrs Hunter.

"No need to worry at all, Alice was just waiting here for you while everyone else has gone off for dinner." Mrs Hunter explained.

"And has she been alright? So sorry I wasn't able to see you when she came back from half term, things have been so busy, haven't they sweet?" Mumma told Mrs Hunter, stroking her hands through my hair as she did. She had always done that to me, ever since I can remember, she stood behind me, held me close and rubbed her hands through my hair. I still found it comforting in a sense, even though I was turning 10 next week.

"She's been a superstar, I don't know what the sports department would do without her. And she's been such a help this term with all of the new boarders, helping them get settled and showing them where everything is and where things go. She's going to make a fine prefect here one day." Mrs Hunter smiled, as I held onto Mum's hand.

"Well, she loves it so much here." Mumma said to Mrs Hunter. "Now Sweet girl, have you got all of your things?" she asked, turning to me. I nodded, picking up my bag from the floor beside the door. We both said goodbye to Mrs Hunter and then got into the back of the car, where Rebecca and the driver were waiting for us. All the way back to London, Mummy and I chatted about things that had been happening at school and in Anglesey and she told me about Papa and Lupo. It was dark when we pulled into the gates of Kensington Palace but outside our front door, I could see Papa stood waiting for us. I still had my school uniform on but I leapt out of the car and ran across the driveway and into his arms.

"Pally bug, I've missed you." he said as he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up. 

"I missed you too Papa." I replied as we hugged. He put me down and then the two of us walked back over to the car. I got my bag from the back and walked around to the other side of the car.

"You alright? Feeling ok?" Papa asked Mummy quietly and she nodded as he put his arm around her. I walked in front of them as we said goodbye to Rebecca and then went into the house. I took my bag up to my bedroom, while Mumma went to hers and changed out of her dress. We both then returned downstairs, where Pa had prepared dinner and served it at the table. Over dinner, the three of us chatted about school and work and Christmas and my birthday, which was on Wednesday next week. After dinner, Mummy went to bed, and Papa and I watched film, before going to bed as well.

It was only in the morning, when something felt a little strange. I had slept in, as usually at school I was woken by matrons for breakfast and lessons and sports, but today there wasn't any of that. Papa was usually up early, but I couldn't hear anyone when I woke up. I looked at the clock by my bed which read 8:29. He must be awake, I thought, but maybe he was being quiet so that Mummy and I could have some rest. I got out of bed and wrapped my dressing gown around me before going to the bathroom. I then walked down the corridor to Mummy and Papa's room.

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