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In June of 2012 we celebrated Granny's Diamond Jubilee. On the Monday night, before the thanksgiving Service on the Tuesday, Mummy, Papa, Uncle Harry, Grandpa Wales, GG Camilla and I all had dinner with Granny. Great Grandpa was in hospital and wasn't feeling very well and Pa had said we needed to cheer Granny up because she was missing him.

We ate sausages with mash and vegetables and gravy, which was one of Granny's favourite and then we ate cheesecake for desert, which was picked for Grandpa, even though he now wasn't there.

I had been at Marlston for almost a year now and I was now so used to being there that I could barely remember life when I wasn't at boarding school. Grandma and Grandad were often there to watch my sports matches and I spent some of my weekends either with them or at Windsor with Granny and Great Grandpa, but for the most part, I loved being at school. I'd made some amazing friends and we did so many fun activities that I missed being there when I was at home. When I did go home in the holidays, to Anglesey, Mumma, Papa and I always had so much fun. It was like being away from home made me appreciate it so much more when I did go home. Pippa and her new boyfriend James, as well as my uncle James had come to stay with us in Anglesey in Easter and we had all enjoyed spending time on the beach together now that the weather was getting warmer.

But this school holiday was different. My parents had picked me up from school on Friday afternoon and the three of us had driven into London, to Kensington Palace. The weekend had been busy with a concert and a procession on boats so I was sleepy in the car on the way back to Kensington after dinner on Monday night.

"Straight to bed when we get home Ally Pally." Pa said as we sat in the car at traffic lights. 

"Yes, I know." I replied.

"Are you ready for tomorrow sweet?" Mumma asked, placing her hand on my knee. I nodded, without the energy to even reply to her. "We'll go through your speech again in the morning, ok?" I nodded again, as the traffic light turned green and the car set off again.

The following morning, I sat and ate breakfast at the island in the kitchen, while Pa was on the phone in his office and Mumma fussed over what she was wearing.

"Are you sure you prefer the pinkish one Alice?" she asked when she came back into the kitchen as I had just finished my last bite of toast.

"I'm sure Mumma." I insisted once I'd finished my mouthful.

"Alright, if you think so, and you want to wear the light blue dress?" she questioned.

"Yes please, with two plaits please." I added as I got off my chair and put my plate in the dishwasher. 

"Ok, you grab a hairbrush and some hair ties and then you can go through your speech again while I do your hair." I agreed and went off to find what she'd asked for.

It was only when we got to St Paul's that I felt nervous about the speech and talking in front of all of the people we had walked past to get to the front of the church. I'd seen Grandma and Grandad with James and Pippa, which was reassuring, but as the organ started to play for Granny to walk in, I knew there was no going back now. I sat listening, to the start of the service, trying to stop my hands from shaking. Pa must have noticed this, as he gently placed his hand on mine. I looked up at him and he smiled and winked, reassuringly, which made me feel better. But it was soon time for my speech for Granny's thanksgiving service. I stood up and read out one of the passages from the bible, that was about thankfulness.

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