Charter 12 - Dangerous Liaisons

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Klaus' Mansion, It's evening. Cars were pulling up the driveway in front of the mansion. Inside there were lots of people talking. A live band was playing classical music. Amberley was nervous, very nervous. Then, Elijah walked towards her. “Amberley.”

“Elijah.” She greeted him.

“You are nervous.” Elijah noticed.

“Yes, very.” Amberley let out a sigh.

Elijah looked around. “Your father is somewhere here as well.”

“Yes, I know.” Amberley nodded. “As are the others. It just, the secret will be out by tonight.”

“I know.” Elijah told her. “But you are family.”

Amberley smiled. “Family. I’m going to find my father.”

Elijah nodded. “Okay.”

Then, Amberley walked away.


Amberley found her father, he was staring at Caroline. “Klaus, your staring at my friend is creepy.” She comment.

“I fancy her.” Klaus told her.

“Caroline?” Amberley frowned. “She’s something, isn’t she?”

Klaus nodded. “She is.”

“I’m sorry, your mother dropped that bomb like that. That I’m your daughter.” Amberley apologized. Thus changing the subject.

“I’m surprised that I have even a daughter. Never imaged that it would happen.” Klaus told her, truthfully.

“Do you think it can happen again?” Amberley asked, curious.

“Why?” Klaus asked back.

Amberley shrugged. “I’m just curious.”

“We will have to see.” Klaus comment.

Amberley face palmed. “Great.”

Just then, Elijah make an announcement. “Uh, if everyone could gather, please.”

“Shall we?” Klaus asked to his daughter. He held his arm out.

“We shall.” Amberley replied, grabbing his arm.

Moments later, all the Originals were standing on the staircase as Elijah addressed the company. Esther walked down the staircase from upstairs. “Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance.” Elijah looked at them all. “Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.” Esther retreated silently back upstairs.


After the dance and some drama, Elena walked up to Amberley. “Was that the other secret? Are you related to the them?”

“Yeah, though I’m Klaus daughter, btw.” Amber replied.

Elena had her eyes widen. “What?!” She exclaimed. “And you didn’t think I needed to know first?”

Amberley tilted her head. “Not everything is about you. This is about finding my family, my biological family, Elena.” She replied. “And why would you? It isn’t like you care about me anymore with your secrets and muttering when I’m walking past you and the others.” Her eyes were in tears, it even changed colour. “For you its better that I don’t exist anymore!”

Elena was a taken back with that. “I don’t know if i can trust you.”

“Clearly you don’t!” Amberley  stormed out, her eyes in tears and still changed.


Amberley was outside, crying. Rebekah walked up to her. “I heard you and the double ganger bitch.” She went to sit next to her. “Its not your fault.” She put her arm around her, Sire hugging her.

“I want my mother.” Amberley cried. “My adopted mother, she would know what to say.”

“She isn’t here anymore.” Rebekah told her. “I am and your new family, old family.” She made a face. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

Amberley nodded, her eyes were still changed. “My adopted mother knew who I was and she helped to calm down. She knew that I’m a werewolf. My witch powers came later, that’s was when Uncle John helped.” She explained. “I guess with you all, I’m gonna learn more? Isn’t it?”

“Yes, to learn control.” Rebekah nodded.

Amberley nodded. “Okay.” She comment. “Elena knew nothing about the supernatural and now its like she knows everything, how to handle  everything. Well, she knows nothing to compered what I have heard and have seen in Beacon Hills.”

“What I have seen, you have seen nothing with that.” Rebekah added.

Amberley looked at her. “I keep forgetting that you are old.” She replied that it came out wrong. “Sorry, that came out wrong.”

Rebekah laughed. “Well, its the truth, my dear.”

“It is.” Amberley also laughed. “I’m glad that you are my aunt. You can cheer me up, when I need it.”

“I’m glad are my niece. I can make you laugh, when you need it the most.” Rebekah smiled.

Amberley smiled back.


Later, Crystal rang. Then, Esther addressed the guests from the staircase. She had a glass of red-tinged champagne in her hand. “Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy then to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!”

“Cheers!” Everyone drank from their glasses, including all the Original vampires.


Damon beat up Kol and snapped his neck. Stefan came running out of a door. “Damon! Are you crazy?” The rest of the Mikaelson’s, Amberley and Elena came out from the opened door and see what happened.

Damon looked at them. “Maybe a little.” Then, he looked at Elena. “Far be it from me to cause a problem.” Then, he turned his back and walked away.

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