Chapter 11 - Let the truth set you free

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The next day, Amberley was alone just outside of her home. Elena was out, Jeremy was in another city. Everyone new that the originals were awake and everyone new about what Amberley was, thanks to Elena. Now, Elijah found her, he needed answers. “Amberley.”

Amberley looked at him. “Elijah. You are here for answers, I assume?”

“Yes.” Elijah replied.

Amberley nodded. “Alright, I will tell you.” She sighed. “I’m adopted. Uh.. i don’t know how to tell you but i was send to Beacon Hills to find my birth mother and through her, i found my birth father.” Elijah looked at her with interest. “My father is Klaus Mikaelson, my mother is Malia Hale.”

Elijah looked at her. “May I ask, who told you to go to Beacon Hills?”

“A woman told me.” Amberley replied.

“Do you know the name?” Elijah asked.

Amberley shook with her head. “No, sorry.”

“If you saying is the truth, then I think know of someone, who can help.” Elijah told her.

Amberley frowned. “Who?”

“My mother.” Elijah replied.


They arrived by the Mikaelson Mansion. Rebekah greeted them. “Hi Elijah.” Then, she looked at Amberley. “Oh great, you brought her with you.” She comment, sarcastically.

“Rebekah.” Elijah sighed. “I brought her here to see mother.”

Rebekah looked at them. “Why the hell would you do that?”

“Rebekah, please.” Elijah replied.

“Hmm.” Rebekah huffed.

Then, Amberley and Elijah walked further to his mothers room. He knocked. “Mother, I brought someone to meet you.”

His mother opened the door, Amberley gasped. “Its you. You spoke to me.”

His mother nodded. “Indeed.”

“Mother.” Elijah frowned. “Is Amberley telling the truth?”

Esther nodded. “She is, I put her into the right path.”

“Niklaus wouldn’t believe.” Elijah stated.

“Maybe.” Esther told him. “I will talk to him.”

“Thank you.” Amberley told her.


Klaus walked into his mothers room. “You wanted to see me, mother.”

“Yes.” Esther nodded. “I wanted to talk to you about a matter.”

Niklaus put his arms behind his back. “What do you want to talk about, mother?”

“Amberley.” Esther replied to him.

“What about her?” Klaus asked, frowning.

Esther walked towards her son. “Well, my son, she is your daughter.”

“What?! You are telling lies!” Klaus shouted angry.

“I’m not telling lies. I’m the one that put her into her path to find her biological parents.” Esther told him, calmly.

Klaus had his eyes widen. “Mother...”

Esther held her hand up. “My son, I would not lie to you about this.”

“Vampires can’t have children.” Klaus told her.

“But werewolves can, you were born a werewolf. The original one, you are the first of you kind and your daughter is one this loophole that you created in the past.” Esther explained.

Klaus stormed out of the room.


Meanwhile, Rebekah talked to Amberley. “I heard everything.”

Amberley blinked. “That you are my aunt?”

“I think my other brothers heard it too.” Rebekah replied. “And I believe my mother and you for that matter. You look like Nik.”

“Thanks, I guess.” Amberley sounded unsure.

“But I don’t understand why I haven’t seen it before?” Rebekah frowned.

“You were busy.” Amberley replied, a bit boldly.

“Hmm. I guess.” Rebekah comment. “But welcome to the family, love.”

Amberley smiled. “Thanks.”

Rebekah smiled also as then they heard a door and saw Klaus storming past them to get outside. “He knows.”

“And he’s angry.” Amberley noticed.

“Something like that.” Elijah walked past them.

“As I said welcome to the family.” Rebekah told to Amberley.


Later, Esther wanted to talk to Amberley alone. Which Amberley agreed. “You wanted to talk with me?” Amberley asked.

“Yes.” Esther nodded. “Please, sit.”

“Okay.” Amberley frowned. “Why do you want to talk to me?”

Esther looked at her. “We are going to organise a ball and i want you to attend as well as a family member of this family. To stand with us.”

“But i can’t. I don’t want Elena and the others know who my father is and our connection.” Amberley protested.

“They going to learn, if not now, they will learn later, my dear.” Esther told her.

“My adopted family hate me, i think and if this comes out. They won’t never trust me again.” Amberley sighed.

Esther looked at her. “They won’t hate you. They are hurt.”

“I know, that’s why they can’t never know this.” Amberley told her.

“My point stands, but please think about if you want to stand with us.” Esther told her.

“I will think about it.” Amberley nodded as then she walked out.

Esther called after her. “Can you do magic?”

“A little.” Amberley looked at her. “Why do you ask?”

“Its nothing.” Esther waved it off.

Amberley frowned as she out of the room.


Moments later, Amberley was outside, she needed the fresh air as then Elena called. Amberley sighed and decided to agree to the call. “Elena.”

“Where are you?” She asked.

“I’m outside.” Amberley sassed.

“No, i mean. Where are you standing?” She asked.

“Outside.” Amberley sassed.


“What?! Can’t i do anything right by you?”

“I’m worried, please tell me.”

“If you really want to know, I’m close by the woods.”

“Okay. And I’m sorry if i lasted out on you. I needed to process things.”

“Then you can process more things.” Amberley muttered.

“What?!” Elena asked confused.

“Oops... i heard a deer calling, bye.” Amberley hung up the phone.

Just then, Kol came towards her. “You must be Amberley.” She looked at him. “I’m Kol.”

“Yeah, you are my uncle.” Amberley comment.

Kol smiled at her. “The fun one, I’m not like Finn, he is boring.”

“Hmm. How are you the fun one?” Amberley asked curiously.

“I will show you sometime, niece.” Kol replied as then he walked away.

Amberley stared after him as then Elijah and Klaus came towards her. “Amberley.” Elijah greeted her.

Amberley looked at the men. “Elijah, Klaus.”

Klaus looked at her. “Amberley.”

Then Elijah spoke up. “I heard my mother spoke to you about attending the ball with us as a family.”

“She did.” Amberley nodded. “But i need to think about that.”

“Well, you have a few days to do that.” Elijah told her.

“Oh, great isn’t it? I just found out we are family and now there is a ball coming.” Amberley breathed out. “It’s all happening so fast.”

Klaus looked at her. “Fast enough that I hear you my daughter.”

“Yeah, that as well.” Amberley nodded.

“What are you?” Klaus asked.

“I’m a witch and a werewolf. But not like you, I’m like my mother.” Amberley replied.

“Who is your mother?” Klaus asked further.

Amberley looked at him. “Malia Hale.”

Klaus smirked. “Ah, yes her. I met her 18 years ago.”

“So you still remember her?” Amberley asked.

“Oh, I remember everyone.” Klaus replied.

“I had that with Malia already and I don’t need to know you businesses about it.” Amberley made a face.

Elijah made a face as well. “Yes that businesses i don’t need to hear as well “

Amberley looked at her phone. “I should go home, my sister would be worried. I think, though i don’t know. But i should go.”

Elijah nodded. “We see you if you know your decision.”

“You all will.” Amberley nodded.

Klaus used his speed as then he stood for her. He looked at the same blue eyes as he had. “Amberley, don’t mess this up. After all you are my daughter. “

“Yes, Klaus. I’m your daughter, but i don’t mess things up!” Amberley hissed at him.

“I would hope so.” Klaus comment.

“Niklaus!” Elijah warned him.

Amberley looked at them both. “You will hear from me!” Then she walked away.

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