Chapter 10 - Bringing Out The Dead

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Amberley got a text from Damon, they needed someone extra by dinner with Klaus and Elijah. With the new deal they needed to talk about. She agreed. So, now they were standing for the Mansion. Elijah opened the door. Stefan, Amberley and Damon were standing there, waiting. “Niklaus, our guests have arrived.”

Damon pointed at Amberley. “I brought one extra. Hope that’s alright.”

“It’s alright.” Elijah told them.

They walked further as Klaus greeted them. “Damon. Stefan. Amberley, what a lovely surprise. Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let’s discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?”

They were standing in the dining room. The table was set and there’s food on it. Two female servants were standing in the room. A third came as well and set an extra board on the table. Elijah looked at them. “It’s better to indulge him.”

“I didn’t come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn’t want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you would hear us out.” Stefan stated.

“Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours.” Klaus told them.

They sat at the table and everyone except Stefan eat and were drinking. One of the servants poured Damon some wine. “Thank you, love.”

Klaus looked at Stefan. “You lost your appetite.” He comment.

“Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home.” Damon told to Stefan as then he was smiling sarcastically at him and he took a bite from the food.

“That's the spirit. Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat.” Klaus looked at Damon as he asked to him. “Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?”

“Well, I know what he felt about you, so I figured, the more... The merrier.” Damon replied to him as he took a bite from the food.

“Merrier indeed.” Amberley muttered.

“Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through.” Klaus said to them as he smiled at his older brother.

Stefan looked at Klaus. “Kind of like, uh, you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked, she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.”

“If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother I've already come clean to Elijah.” Klaus told to him.

“Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad? Might want to dial down the judgment till dessert.” Damon comment to Stefan.

“We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses.” Stefan comment to Damon as then he looked at Klaus.

“Yeah, right. And I’m the human part in it, right?” Amberley asked, glaring at Stefan. He shrugged.

Damon looked at her. “You are more than that. Were-witch.”

“Oh thank you for spiting the beans, asshole.” Amberley hissed. Klaus perked up at that. Elijah took in from what he saw from the girl in front of him. He wasn’t stupid, he saw some manners that were the same as Klaus, he frowned at that.

“I'm just saying, we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself.” Damon told to Stefan.

"It just a peaceful dinner Stefan." Amberley comment. “Well, I hope, cause Damon couldn’t shut up his mouth.”

“Like with your sister.” Damon comment.

“She told everyone, including you two.” Amberley pointed at the brothers. “And you Damon just told to them.” She pointed at the Mikaelson’s. “Which isn’t okay. Like I told Elena, it’s my secret to tell, but now it clearly isn’t anymore.” She was fuming.

Just then, Elijah changed the subject. “Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?”

“I don't know. Ask Damon.” Stefan replied as he basically pointed at Damon, then Elijah looked confused as then Klaus started with laughing.

“I'm sorry, you missed so much.” He comment.

“Oh, yeah. They kissed.” Amberley added.

“There is trouble in paradise.” Klaus finished the sentence.

“One more word about Elena, and, uh, this dinner is over.” Stefan warned them.

“You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do not discuss pile.” Damon told to them all.

Klaus nodded. “You're probably right.”

“He’s right.” Amberley told him. 

“Yeah.” Damon comment.

Then, Klaus looked at Elijah. “It's just the allure of the Petrova Doppelganger is still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?”

“Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?” Elijah asked back to him.

“Well, given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line.” Klaus replied to him.

“Interesting.” Amberley comment.

“Well, we're not going anywhere, Elijah. Please, do tell.” Damon added as then he took a sip from the wine.

“When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor. Even though she'd had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus.” Elijah told to them.

“Oh, I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much.” Klaus comment to Elijah.

“Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?” Stefan asked them.

“Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to endou, and so she took her. And Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the two of us, so for a time, Niklaus and I Grew estranged. Harsh words were traded. We even came to blows. Didn't we, brother?” Elijah asked to his brother. 

Klaus nodded. “But in the end, we recognized the sacred Bond of family.”

“Family above all.” Elijah said to them.

Then, Klaus held up his glass. “Family above all.” They clinked with their glasses as then they took a sip from the wine.


Later, they were done with eating as Elijah looked the brothers and Amberley. “So why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?”

“Well, it's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back. In exchange, he, his hybrids, and the original extended family, leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, Amberley and Elena live happily ever after, no grudges.” Damon proposed.

Elijah looked his brother. “Deal sounds fair, brother.”

“I don't think you understand. I can't do that because Elena's Doppelganger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind. Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection. What then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse. How long before she dies, caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her. And that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is... The two of you.” Klaus explained it to everyone.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she dies by the hand of them.” Amberley muttered.

“I'm going to get some air.” Damon stood up and walked away out of the room.

“Let me deal with this.” Elijah also stood up and walked out of the room.

“All this talk has made me thirsty. What do you say, Stefan?” Klaus looked at the blond girl as she came to him. “Can I interest you in a little after dinner drink?” He asked to Stefan as then he bite into her neck. Moments later, the girl dropped dead as then he said to Stefan. “Delicious. Aged to perfection.”

“Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to drive a wedge between me and my brother.” Stefan comment.

Amberley sighed. “Why I’m even still here?”

“Oh, no, you're doing that well enough on your own. Because of Elena, you're going to lose your brother, and you'll only have yourself to blame.” Klaus told him.

Just then, Damon and Elijah walked back inside of the room. “What do you say, Klaus? It's time for you to put something on the table. We've made our offer.” Damon told to Klaus. “Now you counter.”

“Okay, I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot, and to fall in love with a human. Maybe that nice football player, you know, the blonde one.” Klaus offered to them.

“Matty?” Amberley asked. “She doesn’t even like him anymore!”

“Matt Donovan? Really?” Damon asked with a dirty face as he thought only about the idea.

Klaus shrugged. “Yeah, why not? They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family.”

“And continue the Petrova bloodline. Every few hundred years, you'll have a new Doppelganger to drain and never run out of hybrids. Right, Klaus?” Stefan asked.

“Consider it a small return on my investment in her well-being.” Klaus replied to him. “See, after you hand me back the coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it's what's best for her. So... What do you say, Stefan? Hmm?” He asked to him as he held his hand out. “Do we have a deal?”

“What are you doing?” Damon asked as Stefan walked to Klaus.

Stefan grabbed the hand from Klaus. “Nice try, Klaus. But no deal.” He replied to him as then Klaus broke his arm and leg and put his hand into the fireplace as then it began to burn.

Then Damon rushed over, but then he was held up, against the wall by Elijah. “What are you doing?!” Damon asked to Elijah as then he didn't answer. Amberley looked in shock. Klaus continued to hold Stefan's arm into the fire as then the fire was going up to his arm as then Damon shouted. “Stop!”

“Now bring me my coffin before I burn him alive.” Klaus ordered.

“I'll get it.” Damon said to him as then Elijah let go of him.

“Go with him, brother. You keep him honest. When you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family.” Klaus told to Elijah as then they both left to room.

“Well, that was something.” Amberley breathed it out.

“Go ahead, kill me. I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin.” Stefan told to him as he was still held by the fireplace.

Then, Klaus released him from the fireplace as then he pushed him. “You really have given up, haven't you, huh? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?!” He asked to him.

“Arghh!” Stefan pushed him back as then Klaus grabbed him and wanted to break his neck. Just then, Elijah and Damon walked into the room. They all looked at them as then Klaus let go of Stefan.

“Elijah...” Klaus said shocked to see them back quickly. “Why haven't you left?”

“Well, where are your manners, brother? You forgot dessert.” Elijah comment to him as then one the waitresses came into the room with her she had a plate with a cloth on it. Elijah grabbed the cloth and it revealed the daggers on the plate.

Klaus was in shock. “What have you done?”

“What have you done? See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now.” Elijah replied to him as then another brother walked into the room.

“Kol.” Klaus said in shock. 

“Long time, brother.” Kol said smirking to him.

Then, Klaus started to back away as then again another brother came into the room. Then the brother, Finn, grabbed a dagger as then Klaus begged at him. “Finn, don't!” Finn didn't listen as then he stabbed Klaus's his hand. Then, let the dagger out of Klaus and he went away from him as then he saw his sister. “Rebekah!”

“This is for our mother.” Rebekah said as she stabbed him in the stomach. Then, she pushed him and he fell into the arms from Kol and he restrained him.

“You're free to go. This is family business.” Elijah said to the Salvatore brothers as then they leave the room. Amberley wanted to leave as well as then Elijah stood for her. “I believe we have to talk.”

Amberley looked at him, he was serious. “Okay.”


Elijah looked at Amberley. “I believe you know something that we don’t.”

“Who cares, Elijah? She just a girl.” Rebekah called.

“Well?” Elijah asked to Amberley, ignoring his sister.

Amberley sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me, so I would like to go home. As you said this is a family matter and I’m not family.” All the vampires heard her heart speed up a bit.

“You just lied to us.” Elijah told her.

“No, I don’t. So please let me go home.” Amberley pleaded.

Just then, Rebekah sped up to her. Starting to compel her. “You will tell us what you know.”

“Really?! Compulsion?” Amberley glared at her. “I can’t be compelled. I’m not human, I’m a werewolf and a witch hybrid.” She let see her wolf eyes, golden. “First to be known.” She was getting angry.

Rebekah realised. “You are girl that closed her eyes?”

“I’m that girl, yeah.” Amberley sassed. “I’m Amberley, btw.” Then, she looked at Elijah. “Please, I need to go home. My sister would be worried, I think.” She sighed at the end. “You have clearly something going on here, all of you and I’m not important. So if can come back tomorrow or a day after that and explain everything.”

Elijah nodded. “If you wish.”

“Yes.” Amberley comment.

“We will talk tomorrow. Can I have your word?” Elijah asked her.

“Elijah...” Rebekah was interrupted.

Amberley nodded. “You have my word.” Then, she leaves.

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