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   MONEY IS hard to find, especially when you have to spend most of your week at school and when you have not only yourself to look out for.

No matter how far you searched, you couldn't find a shop desperate enough to hire a high school student.

So eventually you were forced to work for the devil himself, Chris McLean.

When his previous interns (if they survived) would say that the job was tough, you didn't think they meant tough.

Tough, as in walking on a tightrope above piranha infested water while balancing a pile of books on your head. Sorry, piranha and shark infested water.

Fortunately, being only a teenager and one of Chris's favourite interns you were able to stick to bathroom cleaning duty. It still wasn't really the absolute best, especially when yetis and bears like to take a trip there. But it's enough.

You knew how to crack a joke and how to entertain others, which is why Chris McLean had forced you to sign up for the next season of Total Drama, of course, without your proper consent.

"Y/N! The bathroom cleaner, my number one intern. What'chu you up to?" The host grinned, shooting you finger guns and winking.

"Hmm, well let's see. Bathroom cleaning, bathroom cleaning and more bathroom cleaning." You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you continued to mop the floor.

"Totally cool. Hey can you do me a favour?" You froze immediately. A favour for Chris means inescapable death and torture. In fact, anything involved with McLean is that.

"...depends on the favour."

"I just wanna create another advert for the show! Plus, I think you'd be perfect for the camera!" You let out a sigh of relief. "Don't worry, there'll be money."

The word money instantly convinced you, and you eagerly agreed.

You followed him into the filming room and you were placed in front of a camera, patting down your uniform on fixing up your hair.

He briefly explained what to do, answer the questions and stick to your lines.

"You ready? Actually, I don't care. It's rolling!"

"Oh! Uhm... okay. Hello, my name is Y/N L/N, and I think I'll be a perfect candidate because of my... humorous attitude and ability to make others laugh. I'm smart, planning to go to law school but I can only guarantee one thing, that million dollars is mine."

"Done! Perfect, now I just need you to sign these papers to confirm your consent on this adver-blah, blah. Just sign it!"

"Million dollars is mine?... what's that about?" You asked, narrowing your eyes distrustingly.

"Million dollars? That's your prize of course! If you beat everyone else... in having the best advert!"

"Hold on, let me read it..." You demanded, snatching the paper away and scanning over it.

𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐄 // noah total dramaWhere stories live. Discover now