𝟏𝟖. | '𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢'

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"Meredith..." Nick's voice almost seemed disappointed. What did he expect? As if it was easy to forget everything and start a new chapter and a life together. He had no idea what she felt, he never really focused on what she was feeling. He just wanted to force her to accept him. That said, Nick wasn't angry, he was... broken. Maybe he understood. Maybe he was accepting it.

The two looked at him. Andrew was totally out of their situation, he didn't even know how to act. And in that moment Meredith said nothing. Andrew's gaze focused on Nick, then he got up.

"I should go home, Andrea is with the babysitter, and Carina will stand here with Maya..." he didn't add anything else before he went away. Now Meredith was also more confused, she didn't want Andrew to be mad at her because of her messy life. But if she knew him a little she could guess he wasn't, he was just letting her arrange things.

Meredith got up, ready to force Nick. This time she was ready about every stupid thing he would have said, but he wasn't actually saying anything, so she started.

"Nick" she did a deep breath "You are important to me, you have been. You were here when I needed, when I thought they took away the person I loved the most from me again. But for the first time in my life is happened something that I'd never have expected" her face lited up while she was saying those words. "I love him, Nick. That's it, I'm still so in love with him, so don't do it. Don't say that you love me more, don't say that we have another chance-"

"I won't" he interrupted her. She was pretty surprised, but she was willing to listen to him. "I won't do anything anymore Meredith" he looked at her. "You are happy, you're happier than you've been during all this time and you deserve it" she couldn't help to smile at his words. She was glad to hear it.

"Thank you" she said.

"Well love can disappear in a minute, I still love you. And I'm sorry for the pain I caused you" he added with a really honest tone in his voice.

"It went as it should" she affirmed. "And yeah, a part of me will always remember you too" he smiled to her.

"So I'm not asking you to stay with me, but just... being on mine and my daughter's side when I'll need" he then said.

"Sure" Meredith smiled. "I will" It was even better than what Meredith thought. Nick hugged the blonde, it was difficult to him but he knew he did the right thing.

When he went away Meredith had just one thing stuck in her head. She needed to talk to Andrew, right now, she had so many things to explain. She went on her car, even if it was pretty late she didn't care. When she arrived she knocked to the door, hoping he wasn't sleeping. Luckily he was awake, so he opened.

"Mer... what are you doing at this time?" he asked confused.

"Yeah, I- I couldn't remember Maya and Carina's address" she entered in the house as Andrew closed the door.

"Don't be mad at me" she said catching his attention. "I had a messy life and you made it even messier" she said smiling and looking at him. "But every part of my body loves you, I love you so freacking much, I can't help it! And I want you Andrew, I want nothing more than being with you" she finally said. She needed to tell him all she was feeling she couldn't hold it anymore. Andrew smiled to her, laughing softly.

"How could I be mad at you?" he approached her as their eyes met. "I knew you were going to pick the right choise" he stroked her hair. "And I love you and your messy life too, so freacking much" she smiled to him and put her hands on his cheeks to kiss him. He kissed her back, more intensly.

"Oh, wait, where's your nephew?" she asking breaking the kiss.

"He's sleeping and I couldn't sleep so I was watching some trashy tv shows" he replied sitting on the couch. Meredith smirked and followed him, sitting on his legs, as they looked intensly to each other smiling. His hands were on her by her hips, holding her closer, as they kissed again, this time pretty passionately. His tongue was in her mouth, intertwining with hers. Meredith let out a soft moan, then Andrew interrupted it.

"You know, we should go out before" he said.

"Andrew DeLuca, are you asking me a date?" Meredith chuckled softly.

"Maybe" the guy replied.

"Well I'd be very glad" she said.

"Just trust me, it will be amazing"

"Oh I can't wait!" she giggled putting a hand on his hair. She gave him a last little kiss to him before getting up and going towards the door. He accompanied her.

"So I guess we'll see tomorrow?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah" he smiled.

"Well, then good night" she said as she went on her car.

"Good night" he kept looking at her until she entered and left.

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