𝟒. | '𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝒉𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑔𝑜'

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All those people around you, confusion, it's weird to be on the patient side.

One doctor shone a light into his eyes, others did more checkups to examine and make sure he was all right.

Minutes after the doctors left, a nurse entered in the room followed by Maya.

"Thanks" Maya thanked the nurse who smiled politely.
She pulled up a chair and pulled it over to the cot next to Andrew.

"Sullivan was supposed to stay, but I came as soon as I could"

Andrew gave her a small smile.

"How- how is Carina?" he asked.
Maya lowered her gaze smiling.

"Well, there's really a lot to tell" she stroked her wedding ring with her fingers as she looked at it.

"You got married?" his voice carried a hint of happiness at the thought of the news.

"You know, after your disappearance everything was very difficult, she was so broken. But she got stronger, together we managed to get here" she looked up at him.

"I'm very happy for you, expecially that she's ok. Thank you for... everything" he took her hand.

"Oh, and you'll be an awsome uncle!"
"Wh-" he raised his eyebrows and gave a smile that lit up his face so much like nothing ever happened. "You-"

"Yes! It's a little boy, Andrea, two years old" she said with such a happy tone at the mere thought of her son.
Andrew let out a small laugh as he imagined that little boy, his sister's son with his same name. But on the one hand it hurt him a lot that he couldn't have been present in all those moments with his sister and with all the others he cared about the most.

"And... Meredith?" he looked at her eyes, and before she could answer two doctors entered the room.

"We examined your wounds, they were from an assault" Maya turned to Andrew, his expression turning grim again. Unfortunately what had happened is indelible, even if for a moment everything may seem so beautiful, we return to reality.

"It was a fight in a bar..." Maya improvised.

"And how it's happened?" they asked.

"A drunk provoked him, and when I saw them they started hitting each other"

The doctors seemed quite convinced as it certainly wouldn't be the first time that injured people had arrived after a fight, and they would later return for further checks.

There was only silence after the doctors had left the room.

"You didn't have to-"

"Okay" Maya interrupped him. "Now I won't ask you what's happened or anything else, you can count on me for anything, but you will have to contribute so that I can make you feel better and help you"

"I know it..."

"And... We'll must call someone" she added with a particularly serious tone.

"No, I-" He stopped suddenly and started coughing.

"Andrew..." Maya got up from her chair to understand what was happening. He started spitting blood.

"My God, no, help!" she quickly ran to the door to call for help.


Just when you want something to end instantly time seems to stop and torture you.

Everyone was in the waiting room for Maggie's surgery. Winston kept pacing around that area, it was his way of dispelling his anxiety, Amelia sat him next to her to calm him down.

Meredith sat next to Nick with her head resting on his shoulder as she was tired. Nick's phone started ringing and Meredith moved to do him answer it.

He stood up and walked a little further away. During that phone call his expression changed drastically. Meredith had no idea what it could be about, it was too important to be about work. Even as he spoke he grew more and more concerned.

He hung up the call and walked over to Meredith.

"Nick, what's happened?" Meredith got up and walked over to him.

"Mer, I- I have to go"

"What... Why? And where?" she started to get so confused.

"I'll tell you later, now I have to go Meredith" he left without saying anything else and took his things.

"Nick!" she called him one last time.

Amelia stood up to her sister and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Where is he going?" she asked.

"I... Don't know..."

"Oh finally!" Winston caught Meredith and Amelia's attention as Carina finally arrived.

"I was able to remove and stop the effusion, everything was fine, the baby is fine, she's in the recovery room now"

"Thank you!" he hugged her.

"That's my work!" she smiled at him.

"Thank God" Meredith and Amelia were also grateful to know that she had gone well.

Carina accompanied them to the room where Maggie was, who had just woken up.

"Hey" Winston gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "How are you?"

"I'm fine... The baby?" she asked, faintly anxious for news.

"She's ok" Carina gave her a big smile.

"She?!" Maggie asked almost with tears in her eyes.

"We're gonna have a little girl!" she exclaimed with happiness giving another kiss on her lips.

"We're so happy for you guys!" Meredith and Amelia try to hug her.

Luckily everything had gone well, and maybe the day was finally over. Meredith just wished she didn't have to worry about anything anymore, but the fact that Nick had gone off like this without saying anything still bothered her a lot.

When she got back to her house Zola had cooked dinner for her while Bailey and Ellis watched TV. Meredith sat down at the table hungry and began to eat.

"Nick was here before you came back" Zola said. Meredith just watched and listened as she swallowed her bite.

"He told me to tell you that he's going to be away for a few days, but he doesn't know how exactly" she sat down across from her mother.



"Did you hear me?"

"Yeah yeah, I was thinking about some stuff..." she rested her head on her hand.

"Where did Nick go?" she asked her.

"I have no idea babe..." she went back to eating.

"Ok, well... Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow we'll have the trip and therefore I'll wake up early" indeep Zola had noticed that this was not a topic that her mother was very keen to address. "Goodnight" she kissed her cheek.

"Good night!" she smiled at her before she walked up the stairs.

The next morning in the hospital everything seemed normal. Winston had slept in the room with Maggie, while Meredith and Amelia had come to see her in the morning.

When Meredith settled into her office someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" she said.
Two paramedics entered.

"What do you need?" she asked curiously enough.

"A patient transfer has been requested to Seattle Presbyterian, we're here to arrange it" one of them said.

Meredith sighed deeply knowing full well who was and who had made the request.

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