𝟏𝟎. | '𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝒉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢'

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Meredith's pov

I've just called all possible help from the hospital, some ambulances were already starting to arrive.
I was heading towards some rescuers who had already arrived to check the injured, but then I stopped.
I saw this guy back turned helping a woman, and for a moment I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was back turned but I could have recognized him anywhere. I saw him smiling, and then he turned around too. His gaze was focused on me.
I had no idea what to do or how to react, my heart was exploding in my chest, my hands were shaking, I couldn't even take a step towards him.
But I know I'm 100% sure it was him. It was Andrew. And he was...alive.
Our gazes don't move from there, I saw him less than a minute ago smiling, yes, that smile that could make you forget everything, and now his expression seemed so serious, or confused, or well... I don't know.
My breathing gets heavier and heavier, I make sure this is the reality, but... I really can't understand anything anymore... What the hell is happening?

Andrew's pov

I made sure the woman got to the rescuers, then after greeting her I turned around.
My mind went blank as soon as I saw that blonde girl not far away from me. I was so impressed to see her again. It was her. Meredith Grey, the woman I fell in love with that I never stopped thinking about.
I have no idea what to think or feel, looking at me she looked like... well like anyone else would see a person that thought was dead, I understand.
It's exactly how I remember her, all I want to do now is just go to her and hug her to finally feel her presence next to me. But just as I'm about to take a step forward I hear a baby calling my attention behind me crying. From what I understand it seems that his father had remained in the car but had not woken up.
I couldn't ignore him, I was too sorry, I had to help him.
I turned to Meredith one last time, just to see if she was still there, then walked over to where the boy pointed.

Narrator's pov

Meredith stood there and watched Andrew leave. A part of her was thinking to follow him, but the other part doesn't even know if she would be able to talk to him. She wanted to tell him how much she missed him, to know how he was doing, to feel his body next to hers, to tell him how terrible all these years have been without him.
It was too much to think about all this now, if he hadn't died where has he been all this time? It seems like everything turned into a drama or something similiar.

Now that the situation seemed to be calming down and being kept under control by the paramedics, Meredith decided to follow him. She hadn't even thought about what to actually say or do, but right now she just wanted to go to him.

"I need help with this man!" she could have recognized his voice anywhere, and she took the opportunity to run in the direction where Andrew was.

There was a lot of blood, Andrew was trying to plug the head wound, but he also had to urgently get him out of the car. Meredith came up behind him, kneeling so she could hold the man.

"I'm here, I'll help you" he whirled to Meredith, their faces were so close.

"My dad will die?" asked the little boy crying.

"No no, hey, what's your name?" Meredith parted ways with Andrew to comfort the baby.

"I'm Dylan," he replied between sobs.

"It's a beautiful name, you know? Well, I'm Meredith and he's Andrew, we're doing everything possible to help him, ok?" she stroked his cheek and turned back to Andrew, who watched her soothe the boy.

"Meredith, I need help" she moved away from the boy to Andrew.

"Just... hold your hand here a second please" he pointed to the bleeding and she stood up for a moment.

"Wh- what are you doing?" Meredith asked having noticed him taking off his shirt.

"This will give us more time since we don't have gauzes" he reached down to tie it around the man's head.

Meredith stared at him. He was so... well also hot of course, but... she felt like if she was still 16. It was incredible the way she still felt all those emotions inside her.

She helped him get the man out of the car, and a group of people arrived with a stretcher. Meredith motioned for Dylan to follow the paramedics reassuring him. The little boy thanked the two guys hugging them before heading to the ambulance to go to the hospital.

Meredith's gaze landed on Andrew's again.

"You've done a good work..." she shyly told him.

"Also thanks to you..." he tried to smile at her.

There was a strange silence for a few minutes, then one of them finally plucked up some courage.

"Andrew..." she took a better look at him before speaking, and she noticed a scar on his abdomen. This caused it to freeze, starting to open her mind to every little thought of what he might have been going through. It made her so sad, he was the last person in the world who deserved such a terrible thing.

She stopped talking then, and she turned away to walk away, leaving him there alone. Seeing her walk away from him hurt him so much.

"Well, the hero is back!" Maya approached him handing him a shirt of their uniform.

She noticed her gaze still fixed on Meredith, and it didn't take her long to figure out the situation.

"Hey... are you okay?" she asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, yes... where is Carina?" he turned to Maya grabbing the shirt to put it on.

"There was a woman in labor, she went to the hospital to assist her" he nodded in understanding. "Well now I have to go, but if you want you can go home"

"Okay, see you later" Andrew smiled at her before she joined her other friends.

He looked around. The road was almost completely cleared.
He managed to see from a distance a woman sitting on the side of the road, it was Meredith. She probably just needed to clear her mind, that was more than understandable.
Andrew's day wouldn't be over if he hadn't been able to talk to her today. So he walked towards her.

"Hi" Meredith whirled around having heard a voice break the pleasant silence.

"Hi..." she looked at him as she still sat, and he sat next to her. From there it was possible to see a good part of the landscape.

"You know, I-" Meredith finally tried to release all those feelings that she had inside her. "Sometimes I think I'm cursed for some strange reason that I don't know about yet, but the only thing I know is that it hurts..." Andrew looked down. "I was so scared that another person I loved would be gone again forever, but... you are here, and you are alive" she started to smile letting a few tears fall as Andrew put his hand through her hair.

"It's been five years. Five fucking years without you" she finally found herself looking into his eyes as she tried to not cry. He pulled her towards him to hug her, finally feeling his body close to hers, managing to make her feel safe and good.

"I've missed you so much, every minute of every day" he whispered to her.

"I missed you terribly too..." she never wanted to be separated from him again.

The tears she shed now were no longer tears of anger, frustration or sadness, but only tears of joy, of an immense happiness that could not be described.

A/n: Now the story won't divided in two different parts anymore :)

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