𝟏. | '𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠'

315 11 16

At the first sound the alarm clock made, Meredith turned it off. Really she was already awake due to the noise of the rain beating on the walls, she was just waiting for the moment to get up.
Nick wasn't there, he'd gone on a business trip, and she missed his presence.
Even though it had been a long time since even Amelia and Maggie had left, it was always different without them. And this was everyone's home before...

She got out of bed and had a quick breakfast, and before leaving she woke up Zola making sure she remembered to drop her siblings at school.

It was raining very heavily outside, sometimes it can even affect your mood so much that you just feel like detaching yourself from the whole world and not thinking about anything anymore.
Meredith tried to get to the car as fast as possible before she could get completely wet, and then she took off.

Upon her arrival a group of interns were following her bringing her coffees and talking her through some cases to be able to participate, but she just shooed them away. God, being the chief can be really stressful.

"Hey!" Amelia joined her as they walked towards her office.

"How's going?"

"Apart from the usual interns who continue to torture me every morning, I'd say good"

"And without Nick?"

"Oh well I miss him terribly, but I'm trying to don't think about it" she said almost ironically.

Meredith settled in while Amelia laid out all the cases. Probably today would have been one of those endless days, on the other hand with this weather it's common.

As she made her way to the e.r. she bumped into Carina, who was taking Andrea to kindergarten.

"Someone woke up in a bad mood this morning" Meredith said of the baby.

"He doesn't stop throwing tantrums like every morning" Carina answered rather stressed.

"God these days everything is so complicated, Maya is continuing to work, I'm trying to manage shifts, and right now I just want peace!"

"Oh yes, I remember all this" Meredith said smiling at her. "I'll bring him if you want"

"No no, I'll take care of it, I don't want to give you any weight..." she said as she tried to make the baby stop.

"I do it gladly!" Meredith picked him up. Carina thanked her infinitely and was able to take a moment for herself.
Although the baby continued to cry, she held him tight trying to make him feel safe. She knew how to handle these situations.

"Okay, here we are!" Meredith set the baby down next to the toys, and as soon as he saw them he stopped crying.
She stood there for a while watching him play, he was so cute. Indeep inside him she could see a baby Andrew.

When she came out she heard a strange commotion coming from the e.r. They had just been brought a trauma. Meredith recognized Carina's voice and went to see.

"What is happening?" she looked at her, her face had become a jumble of emotions.
The woman who had been rushed was still unconscious, she had a bleeding wound.

"That woman... killed my brother... She killed him! She took him away from me!" tears welled up in her eyes as she screamed.

Meredith glanced at the woman. She remembered the time Andrew had tried to warn everyone, but no one listened. She froze as her heart sank at the thought of that memory and the fact that woman had taken away from her the person she loved. For a few minutes it was as if nothing existed for her.

Some people had intervened to try to calm Carina down, but all that anger that she had never let out needed to vent.

"It's true- She killed Andrew...?" Maggie asked as her voice broke in the end. She turned to Meredith. "Meredith" she didn't answer.
"Please say something" Maggie tried to bring her back to reality, that cruel reality that was breaking everyone at that moment.

She went away from there, away from everyone. What was happening to her? She was over it... or so she believed. She just wanted to scream and cry, but it would have been useless. Was it fate? Hard to say, but whoever brought her here could have just left her to die somewhere. Instead she was here.

She heard someone open the door to the room and turned to see who was. She tried to hide everything she was feeling in that instant. Hiding her feelings was one of the things she could do now.

"Mer, are you-"

"I'm ok Maggie" she tried to smile at her. Maggie knew it wasn't like that, but Meredith wouldn't let her help her.

When they returned they saw Hunt accompanied by another intern who were rushing that woman's stretcher to the operating room. It looked like she was bleeding.

"They attacked her," Bailey walked over. "I've- I've checked her injuries, someone attacked her..." also her still had to rework the moment.

Who could be? That woman didn't just kill Andrew, she hurt so many people.

Meredith sat next to Carina on one of the e.r. beds. She frowns thoughtfully. She knew full well that all those talks wasn't going to help her, so she let her go for a moment before hugging her tight so she could feel better.

"I- I just miss him so much Meredith" she almost started sobbing again in her arms.

"Hey, look at me" she grabbed her attention.

"I miss him too, but life has taught me that if you keep thinking about the past, then you can never move forward into the future. What happens is not forgotten, but new memories can be created. Look now, you have a wife and son both awsome, I have Nick, everyone has something that allows them to be happy" Carina smiled at her and hugged her again. It was all she needed.

There were some old memories in Meredith's mind, with all the people she cared about the most who weren't here with her now, but as she said, to move forward you have to leave the past behind and create future memories.

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