part 26.

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“Yn darling, how would you like it if the wedding had been moved to... Next week?” “... O.. Oh.. Okay.. ”

The girl agreed. What else would you do? The doctor had been treating you decently as well... He placed a hand on your cheek, pulling you into a kiss, which you had pulled away from, receiving a look from him. “your.... M-mask.. It makes it.. A bit difficult” you speak, creating a reasoning of which you hadn't kissed him, when in reality, ever since he had joined you in bed that night, a sense of unwavering guilt overtook you, this type of stuff had been what you fantasized with scaramouche. “I suppose it does make it rather difficult.. Very well.” the doctor removed his mask, a wide smirk overtaking his mouth, looking down at you, he was a decent height, at least 6ft tall.

His red eyes pierced yours, as if he was looking past you and into your soul, his gloved hands guide your jaw until your lips are pressed against his. The both of you having your saliva mixed, but obviously the one who had been mainly continuing the kiss was him, as you stood there, only allowing him to kiss you, with little to no reciprocation. Noticing, he pulls away, a disappointed look on his face as he softly pats your head, sighing in frustration. “Please go and sit, I'll be back with dinner eventually. Tomorrow, I'm entrusting you to a clone, he'll take you wedding dress shopping.. ” he turns away, walking out of the bedroom and slamming the door behind him.

The sudden force causes you to jump, scared. You could tell he was angry. You lie down in the bed, closing your eyes. Allowing images of the balladeer to flood into your head, the first one being of how you had broken into his house with little to no second thoughts. “... Scaramouche.. ” the feeling of watching the boy, unknowingly strip for you, him asleep, oh how handsome he looked while sleeping. The thought reminded you of the one time you had crept into bed with him, sleeping with him throughout most of the night, which he didn't notice at all. A tear slipped down your cheek, the moments you shared with scaramouche felt much more meaningful than with dottore. You punched at the sheets. Shaking as you inhaled the air around you, the room being completely sealed off had no fresh air, it smelt even slightly musty, suffocating you slightly. Anger welled up inside of you, these feels not being so familiar to you.

You crawl under the covers, defeated and sad, crying yourself to sleep. Eventually sleeping through dottore dropping off food, it seems he didn't realize that you were crying and thought you had just been tired. Sleeping through the entire day is an easy enough task if you're sad enough...

The next morning ════════⪼✰

The blankets had been lifted off of you, looking up, you see dottore.. A clone, “Haha!! Wakey wakey! Time to get up my fuuuuture wife!” he scoops you up no more than two seconds later, picking you up and starting to dig through your wardrobe. “Can't go out in that! How about... Hmm, this!” he pulls out a dress, while beautiful yes, it wasn't like anything you've worn before. Due to the fact that dottore had access to most nations, all the clothing styles were very different, this had been a more mondstat designed outfit, the dress having a long skirt, with a white top with a bit of crossing in it. With bigger sleeves as well. Even then before you could reject or approve it the clone is already undressing you. He seems uninterested with any of your more erotic body parts, dressing you in the outfit, almost like a doll.

“Absolutely beautiful!!” the clone smiles, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers with his, and bringing you into the lobby of the base, he brings out a bandana, tying it around your eyes, blindfolding you before dragging you out of the base, he makes you walk behind him, causing you to trip and fall multiple times as you can't see where steps were or big rocks. He seemed to take enjoyment in watching you fall like a ditzy girl, but never allowed you to get hurt too badly. Eventually the two of you made it to the city of liyue, where he pauses. Removing your bandana, the light almost blinding you from how bright it was, but you could at least see now, even if your eyes we're hurting a bit due to being adjusted to the dark.

“My dear bride, it seems... There's a bit of an issue! We're wedding shopping but, we've never discussed what style of dress you want! .... Tell me, do you like delicate and long design of mondstat? Or maybe the beautiful patterns that often are on wedding dresses of liyue, of course there's also the beautiful crafted and awfully traditional style of inazuma. Sumeru has many different styles, oh, or the style of Fontaine!” after rambling for what felt like ages he finally gave you a chance to speak, watching your facial expression, your movements, your breathing even.

“uhm... I'm.. Not sure.. I'm sorry, I don't know what any of those are.. ” she frowns slightly, the situation growing awkward. The dottore clone grabs your hand, dragging you along. “Very well! Let's just do liyue, we're already here!”

And so for the rest of the day, the clone strung along the girl, picking out dresses to which he would get less than excited responses... “None.... Of this really matters,, after all.. Marriage, that's for lovers isn't it.? I don't love dottore, I.. I want scar..-”

“That was pretty successful! Let's get you back to the roo-” “no..!” you interjected, suddenly, after seeing the look on his face, you began thinking, taking a deep breath. “I just.. Don't want to return so soon.. It's still bright outside,, can I stay out?” to be honest, the look in his eyes seemed almost killer, shaking his head without even thinking twice. “no, absolutely not.” his tone shifted, before being excited and joyful, now he seemed almost angry, his grip on your hand tightening as he pulls you along the streets of liyue, somehow managing to not get stopped by a passer by.


“please, watch after teucer, I know, this is a bank, but I have to go somewhere, and fast. ” the ginger male expressed, as his younger brother looked up to the woman behind the desk. She sighed, annoyed. It wasn't unusual for Tartaglia to drop his brother off, but also not common, since he usually just stayed in snezhnaya. “alright, Mr. Tartaglia, I will watch over him, don't worry.” the woman give him a half smile, while the man smiled, greatful. “Thank you very much! I appreciate it!” he pats the top of his younger brothers head, telling him he'll be back soon, that he was going to try and see if he could.... Find
.. The evil toy factory where they took Y/N. ...

“Okay big brother! I'll help too, if I see Y/N I'll tell you when you come back!” and with that, the 11th left the Northland Bank... Which was quiet, and boring, especially for a young child.

“Excuse me, id like a loan” said one customer walking in, followed by another wanting to exchange some things for Mora. “Can I please get some assistance?” . And one after another, the lady behind the desk was swamped with customers, the little boy slipping her mind.... Which he noticed, thinking to himself. 'Maybe.. I could save Y/N! Yeah, I don't want her to get hurt by evil toys, that's scary..' He becomes much more sure with the plan, and seeing how the lady behind the desk was so busy, walking out was easy, he went down the stairs, already somewhat out of breath by the end, although he didn't give up, running down the streets of liyue harbor. He manages to find an old lady, selling kites where he begins his questioning.

“have you seen.. Uhm.. ” the lady looks down at him, curiously, waiting for the rest of the question, she's seen many people in the past few days, although a pair did stand out. “a girl.. She has H/C hair.. Uhmm.. Oh! Her eyes are a pretty E/C!! she's like my big sister, my big sister through a pinky promise!” the boy smiles, the lady thinking back, “well... I do recall a girl who may fit that description,, although she was with a man, that hair color... It's not very common, for a moment I almost mistook him for that young Exorcist.. Light blue, like a cloud. Oh boy, but what I saw his face.. He was definitely not.. I believe they headed towards wanmin.. ” she looks up towards the sky, thinking in her head, nodding. “where are your pare-” as she opens her eyes, she notices the young boy is gone.

"So she's somewhere.. This way, haha! Don't worry I'll save her, yeah, I'll save my pinky promise big sist-"

As Teucer happily thinks about saving his illegitimate sister, he bumps into someone, looking up, “oh.. I'm sorr-..” as his eyes actually focus, he can see a man.. Light blue.. Like a cloud” what's more, behind the man, he could see a second pair of legs, legs Teucer deemed woman's, suddenly, he spots a second pair of eyes, peeking over the man's shoulder...

Sis..ter??.. It's you!!”

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