chapter 15

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You woke up in a dimly lit room after passing out from dottore's antibiotics. You rubbed your head and sat up, getting up to look around. In a surprising turn of events he was nowhere to be seen. You looked around, eyes landing on a Door that you had heard noises coming out from. Inside was dottore, experimenting on some poor woman. The look on her face, pain and suffering. You close your eyes tight, turning away before realizing that this is a.... A chance. A chance to get away.

You search the place, looking for an exit. The only one you knew of was the way you two entered. But even then that was through dottore's laboratory, so you crossed that off. Walking into another room, the smell was unbearable. It smelled like rotting flesh. You didn't want to turn on the light, instead you turned and walked out of the room. Feeling sick after that.

You could hear the screams and cries coming from the woman now, but you knew that you couldn't do anything to help. Not against someone like dottore, who would probably fit the ticket "mad scientist" instead of doctor. After a few more minutes you're taken off guard by the sound of shoes tapping against the cold tiles. You were aware it was dottore. But also knew that he hadn't seen you yet. You ducked and covered yourself to the best of your ability. It seemed to work because he spun around on his heel and walked out of the room.

As he walked you had realized a beam of light shinning on him. Looking at where it had come from you noticed a window. It was big enough, although a tight squeeze.

You crept from your hiding place to the window, using a chair to reach up, the window was stubborn and dusty but you didn't really care, after all, this was a chance to get out of here and make your way back to The balladeer. You slide the window open, jumping up and pulling yourself up. While at the same time a horrifying shriek echo's throughout the whole base. The woman's no doubt, and with how it suddenly ends, there was a good chance that she had died. You close the window behind you, quickly scurrying and making your way to liyue.

The excitement on your face, mostly to see scaramouche did not match the current mood of liyue, looking around you noticed a large group of people semi-close to the docks. Pushing through them you seen multiple people mourning the loss of somebody. It didn't take you long to remember that just a little bit ago kazuha had passed away, guilt pulled on your heart as you realized that it was your fault he had passed. You kept your head down as you pushed through the crowd, making your way onto the ship. Even though it was delayed, due to the captain herself mourning kazuha, you managed to fall asleep in a Corner.

Once you had woken up it was already late noon, and the ship had clearly already set sail. You sigh, rethinking about how kazuha had helped you when you went on the ship for the first time. Becoming a little saddened that he was now gone. Closing your eyes once more before falling asleep, the waves rocking you back and fourth making you more tired than before. And before you knew it inazuma was ahead of you. You got up, grabbing all of your things. A wave of nervousness started deep inside of you as you realized that you'd see scaramouche once more. Of course earlier than supposed to, although nervous as soon as you docked you ran into inazuma, it seemed they allowed you to pass since last time.

It was a long walk before making it to the hotel that you and scaramouche had stayed in, even then you walked up the stairs with a large goody smile on your face.... Which suddenly disappeared when you made it to the top, your eyes landing on some cicin mage, although you were about to dismiss it your eyes widened as you saw her pull on something, which revealed the man who she was kissing, which was in fact scaramouche. She had both of her hands on his cheeks while she kissed him with a smirk, he seemed less into it than her, but still returned the kiss.

A sharp pain in your heart caused you to take some steps back, leaning against the wall. What had you just seen? What was going on? Who is she? Your mind raced with questions as all you could see was them, and red... Red..

The color red, often a sign of rage, romance, and more. In this case the first was true. Rage. Rage circulated through your blood, images of a brutal death to the skank who had been anywhere near him. Nevertheless kiss, hug, and possibly have done more than that. Who does she think she is? That's not her man, that's mine. I'll get her back for that. I swear I will.

The rest was dark, barely being able to see through the cloudy red that destroyed your vision. You were able to hear trees around you as you slowly stalked behind the cicin mage who seemed none the wiser that you had even been there. Watching her walk into her house you waited, waited for her to fall asleep. And after an hour or so? She did. Your hands shook as you used a stone to break her door handle off. Your actions were not lead by logic but by rage. Looking around you manage to find a sharp knife. Your heart sped up as you held it, slowly creeping up the stairs to the room. The door opened and out you came, knife in hand. Shaky breaths escaped as you got closer.

You went to place the knife against her throat, but stopped. About to leave you then heard the words of dottore. “You shouldn't let anybody else take what you own...... What I own? I know what I own, I own scaramouche.... And... I shouldn't let her take him... Like hell I'll let her take him” the rage built up once more. Instead of slitting her throat and leaving, you decided that you wanted her to suffer. You tied her down, and she did wake up in the meantime. It didn't effect you at all. You already knew that you were going to have to kill her. “h-hey who are you?! I'm a fatui-” cutting her off, you brought your knife down on her face, leaving her a large cut across her face. She shrieked in pain while tears started flowing.... The look of pain on her face... Felt so good, knowing that she would never touch scaramouche again. Your blood began to rush as you lifted your knife and brought it down again, and again and again. Her face had multiple cuts. All being deep enough to draw blood.

"Heh... Ahah....." You giggled. The feeling of her skin cutting being almost therapeutic. Making you want more. Which you did. You lifted up her shirt, enough to reveal her stomach. At this point she was most likely unable to see due to the amount of blood in her eyes. Even then she had begged you. "P-please do not do this!! I'll give you whatever you want!!! Money?!" You sighed before slashing her stomach, leaving a notable deeper wound than before. She screamed, almost like the one in dottore's lab. But you didn't pity this one like you did the other. This one had wronged you by touching what was yours while you were away. And she needed to know her place.

You continued cutting, slicing, slashing. Her skin being red from blood. Making her way from her face, to her torso, to the rest of her limbs, the only place left being her neck. You smiled at her and whispered in her ear. “scaramouche.... Is mine.. And mine alone...." Before getting to respond you slashed her neck, blood squirting out and covering you. But in all honesty it made you feel better. You let her dead body bleed out as you went into her bathroom, cleaning yourself off, and also planting some false evidence, in case someone... Anyone even knew where this place was.

You picked up her body, stumbling while carrying her into the bathtub. Of course it wouldn't be the best cover up but it worked. You threw her in, not gently at all. She didn't deserve it. You ran the water, extremely hot before walking out the door and locking it from inside. Sighing and then leaving. Your first goal was to make your way to the hotel to say hi to scaramouche. Although you knew that you'd be washing the bedding. After all you didn't want to sleep on the same bedding as the girl you had just murdered because of her touchy nature with scaramouche.

You made your way to the hotel, lazily walking up the stairs, exhausted from what had occurred earlier. Although the smile on your face grew as you thought about scaramouche. You knocked on the door, and he came quickly, opening it. He seemed surprised and let you in. You smiled, wanting to hug him although you knew that he wasn't really one for physical attention. “hello balladeer, how have you been” he looks at you a bit suspicious but answers, “I've... Been fine... Aren't you supposed to.. Not be here? Like be with someone else..? " you nodded, and he gestured with his hands for you to explain, of course you'd never withhold information from scaramouche, you explain to him how you escaped the doctor and made your way here. A smile on your face the whole time. After a little of talking a yawn escaped, showing scaramouche that you were tired... “you should sleep.”

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