chapter 8

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When you had awoken it was pitch black outside, and the man who's shoulder you were on had been gone. Curious you go up and walked to the upper part of the ship. You looked around surprised when you saw that you were now at Inazuma docks. You were the first to get off, even though you wanted to say goodbye to Kazuha he was no where to be found, you decided that if he was still on the boat back then you'd talk to him.

You got off the boat and attempted to walk right into Ritou, but you were quickly caught by some guards. Although once they saw the letter childe have given you they let you pass, but did mention that getting into Ritou was as far as that letter would take you. After nodding and saying your goodbye you started walking down to the beachy area where childe told you to meet the fatui agent. After a few minutes of searching you found him, beside him there was a boat.

After getting into the small boat he pushed you in the direction of Inazuma city. It wasn't a long trip, only around 5 minutes to get to the other side of land which would eventually lead you to inazuma. You got out the boat and started walking. You were told to meet up with who you're supposed to work with in a restaurant in Inazuma city. After walking for around 15 minutes the city became visible, causing your walking to turn into a power walk. After making it to inazuma city you saw that you didn't need any kind of authentication. You looked around for the shop you were told to find.

After finding the shop you went to open the door, while at the same time somebody on the other side opened the door, as you tried to walk in a tall pink kitsune tried to walk out. Resulting in you two bumping into each other, you rubbed your head for a few seconds before getting and and apologizing profoundly. The kitsune only giggled as she moved a hand below your chin to tilt your head up, making eye contact with you. "on my, oh my oh my. Aren't you an energetic one? How lovely. Please do not Apologize little one" her words were soothing, almost like she was casting a spell on you to make you relax.

She had noticed how much you've relaxed and smiled. "dear.. the timing really is awful, but if you ever want to see me once more, come to the shrine dear." she caressed your cheek with her thumb before smirking and walking away. Unknowingly to you the encounter had your face flustered. Mostly because you've never met a person so.. Flirty? You snapped your fingers as you remembered that your boss was inside waiting for you. You quickly rush inside, you looked around before suddenly remembering that you didn't know what they looked like. But it didn't take long for someone to peer over your shoulder and read the note childe sent.

"Are you looking for me?" you were about to answer, but after thinking about the voice for a few extra seconds you realized that it sounded like scaramouche, you nervously sighed and told yourself that it probably wasn't... Oh the surprise on your face and there he was, the man who was slightly taller than you. You nodded, face heating because how close you were. "you're part of the fatui?" you quietly mumbled out, feeling nervous to even speak. With the note in your hand, In pure excitement you almost tore it to shreds. Your head started spinning, your heart was racing. He placed a hand on your shoulder "are you.. Okay? You look like you're about to fall" you nodded, "I'm perfectly fine!" you were able to keep yourself from stuttering, he smirked then turned away, looking at everyone else who was in the restaurant. "good, it wouldn't be good if the only other person on this mission was sick. So you must be wondering what were going to do hmm? The traveller is in inazuma right now, which makes them the perfect distraction from us, who will steal the gnosis." he examined your figure, before crossing his arms. "you, will dress up as a cicin mage and lead him some where near point B, which is right in front of the Raiden Shogun estate..." he went to continue on about how he was helping to create delusions to get rid of the resistance. After about an hour of conversation a woman walked over, she seemed to be a waiter. She looked nervously at the two of you "h-hi! Uhm... You haven't ordered anything.. So I'm here to give y-you guys the special couples menu..!" it seemed like somebody else had completely put her up to it. At first you didn't notice that she had called you a couple but when you did you immediately lowered your head, feeling all the blood rush to your cheeks. After some deep breaths it was less opaque. Scaramouche took the menu and threw it out. "right, call me the Balladeer. I suppose since you're not really part of the fatui you don't have a code name huh." as scaramouche was thinking you started to tap your finger nails on the table, scaramouche quickly reacted, placing his hand on yours to stop you. "I find that very annoying" you muttered a quiet sorry and put your hands in your lap. "how about we call you.. By one of Tartaglia's codenames. Since he's your boss after all." you really didn't wanna be stuck getting called something like childe or tartaglia because it would feel weird, luckily for you a tall slender woman with pale skin walked in, "what a foolish idea. You" she pointed directly at you "you will be called nightshade, since you are going to be a cicin mage it's only fitting.

You nodded as she sat down beside you. "all the rest of you Fatui harbingers really can't do anything right. You're here to take the gnosis back to our highness but can't even think of a name." scaramouche scoffed, it seemed he didn't like his coworkers. He grabbed your hand and almost pulled you over the table before starting to leave. "Goodbye Signora." he continued walking keeping your hand tight in his. It seemed that he was angry. Especially since every time he turned back to you his brows were furrowed. It was a new expression on his face. One that you hadn't seen him make before. He stopped in front of a hotel and walked inside. He seemed to already have a room. He dragged you inside his room, and for a second your mind started to race, wondering if you were going have to sleep with him. Of course it was quickly dismissed when you realized that there were two separate beds. Only once he got inside his room did he let your hand go. "we'll be staying here for a week. We'll have the Gnosis by then"

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