Chapter 47

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"Okay, here we go," Kyler said as he placed the ham on table. He removed the lid and smiled, "how does it look, Momma?"

Liza lifted her head from Owen's chest and beamed, "Perfect, Kyler. It smells wonderful, you did an excellent job making it."

A huge smile broke out on Kyler's face as North patted his back, "you did great Son."

"Yep," Marc nodded as he handed Kyler the knife so he could show him how to properly slice it.

"Yummy, Bubba," Kiairi smiled as she crawled into Axel's lap. "Me wub it."

"We love it too," Luke nodded as he started slicing the homemade fudge Liza taught him how to make. "Kyler did a very good job helping Daddy Marc make Thanksgiving."

"Everyone did a great job," Erica said as she sat down between Kota and Jessica. "Thank you for inviting us to join you."

"Yes, thank you," Uncle said as he sat across from Erica. "It smells wonderful."

"Thank you for coming," Liza said as she looked at Erica, Uncle, and Jessica. Once everyone made their plates and sat down, she cleared her throat, "Kyler said he had something he wanted to tell us."

"What is it, Son?" Owen asked as he pulled Liza's hair out of her face then fastened it with the hair tie Gabe passed over to him.

Kyler cleared his throat and smiled, "I have been accepted for early admission to the marine biology program in Florida."

"That's wonderful!" Liza gasped as a huge smile broke out on her face.

"That's great!" The guys smiled as they got up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you," Kyler beamed, "Jess has something she wants to say as well."

"I have been accepted to the marine rehabilitation program in Florida," Jess smiled.

"I knew it!" Erica smiled as she hugged her. "I knew you would get in."

"That's great!" The guys smiled as they hugged her.

"You two will do great," Axel smiled as Kota hugged her tightly. "I'll help anyway I can."

"We all will," Owen nodded. He tapped Liza on the hip, "and you?"

"You sure?" Liza whispered, "I don't want to take away from the kids."

"What are you whispering about Momma?" Kyler asked.

"I have some news, but I don't want to take away from your good news," she admitted as she leaned back into Owen. "It can wait."

Kyler smirked, "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

Erica gasped, "Are you?"

Liza gulped as Owen moved his thumbs up and down in a soothing manner. "Yes, but it's still early."

"That's great, Mom," Kyler said getting up so he could hug her.

"You're going to be a big sister," Silas smiled at Kiairi. "Are you excited?"

"Yep," Kiairi beamed proudly. "I be best big sister."

Liza smiled, "Yes you will."

"This is the best Thanksgiving ever," Kyler smiled as he looked at everyone. "I knew our lives would turn out for the best when we moved here."

Liza took in her family and smiled, "Yes it did, I'm so thankful we became neighbors."

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