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— JUDE —

WE ARRIVE in Mykonos six hours later. I look down and see a sleeping Harmony on my chest. All cute and at peace, smiling softly. She looks so cute I really don't want to wake her, but unfortunately I have to. So I brace myself for the aggression I'll be facing once she does wake up.

"Harms." I whisper gently shaking her awake.

"Mhm." She groans shifting a little. Sinking herself deeper into the seat and nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck even more.

"We're here, we have to go." I whisper but again no response.

"Harmony, come on." I shake her again. Nothing.

Everyone starts to get their things and get off the plane to collect their luggage. Harmony and I are still on the plane.

"Fuck sake." I whisper to myself.

I huff and then curl my arms under her so I'm carrying her. Carefully I manoeuvre myself out of my seat, harmony firmly in my hold, grab my things and her Christian Dior tote bag with one hand and move towards the door of the plane.

Aaliyah amusedly chuckles as she watches me walk down the stairs of the plane with her best friend in my arms sleeping away like a newborn baby.

"I need to take a leaf out of her book. Girlies got professional footballers carrying her out of private jets." She grins eyeing us.

"Harms." I shake her awake and this time she opens her eyes, stretching her arms out like a cat does after a nap.

"Hi." She beams

"You're smiling at me?" I say as I look at her skeptically, gently putting her down so she can stand up.

"Yeah?" She replies yawning a little, as she walks towards the luggage, grabbing her suitcase and mine and handing it to me.

"Why are you smiling at me?" We trade off our bags. I take my suitcase from her hands and she takes her tote bag from mine.

"What?" She asks confused

"I just woke you up from your nap. You hate when I wake you up whilst you're sleeping. You threaten my life when I wake you up. Why aren't you doing that? Where's the threatening? Where's the curse words? What's going on?" I say frazzled

"Can you relax." She laughs

"I'm in a good mood." She shrugs nonchalantly, walking away to follow the others who have started to enter the airport.

I stare after her in shock. She's actually the most unpredictable girl I've ever met. It's part of her appeal for sure.

After all of the airport necessities and the twenty minute drive to the hotel, we finally arrive. We're met at the entrance with Harmony's mum, her sister, sisters husband and kids and her grandparents.

She excitedly goes to greet all of them, hugging her two and four year old niece and nephew the longest before she circles back round to all of us to introduce us to her family.

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