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— JUDE —

HAVEN'T REALLY spoken to Harms today. She's been a little distance. First morning this week that I haven't rolled over to see her beautiful face next to me, award winning smile on her lips. Miss her.

She left my house early last night, said she had some last minute things to do for her course. We spoke this morning a little. Said good morning and I told her I'm missing her and she said she misses me too and she'll see me soon.

Asked if she could come to mine tonight seeing as she's leaving to go back to London in three days. She said she'll have to see, that she's busy with the last few bits of her course that she has to complete.

I get it. Never would I want to get in the way of her career and what's important to her. I'm always going to see her. Eventually. Even if it takes me flying down to London just to spend twenty four hours with her, I'll do it. I'd do anything to be with her.

Gio, Chloe and Aaliyah are all still in town. Aaliyahs staying for my debut but Chloe and Gio have to fly back to Dortmund since they're going to start playing soon.

Gio suggested we go out for a drink somewhere. I have nothing on and Harmony hasn't confirmed if she's coming over or not so I decide to go out. Debut's tomorrow so I need a good stress relief. A few hours out won't hurt.

We decide to go to a bar and have a drink. Only one because I can't be drunk out of my head tomorrow. It's too important of a day. It's early, about six. Told gio I want to be in bed by at least nine so I can get enough sleep.

When we're at the bar he's checking his phone constantly. Probably seeing if Chloe texted. I'm doing the same to be honest. Waiting to hear back from Harmony. If I'm missing her this much now imagine what it'll be like when she's in London and I'm here.

We stay at the bar only for an hour before Gio suggests we go back to mine and play some video games to just relax so I can be calm for tomorrow. Find it odd how quick we're coming and going but I go with it nevertheless.

When we arrive at my house I see the lights are all off. Confused because my mum doesn't go to bed at seven. It's way too early.

My eyebrows are knitted together as I unlock the door and walk into the house. All of the lights are off. Gio follows me as we walk into the living room.

I turn the light on and all of a sudden I see every single one of my friends and family staring back at me. They shout surprise. Harmony is front and centre with the biggest smile on her face.

I look around at the decorated room. Banners saying congrats and Real Madrid decorations everywhere. I see Toby, Chloe, Aaliyah and some of my other friends from back home that I didn't even know were here. My mum, dad and Jobe are also here. I'm shocked to say the least.

Harmony rushes over to me, gives me a big hug. I hold her close to me.

"Surprise!" She beams

"How—what—" I'm at a loss for words

"This is your debut party. A little celebration about you joining your new club and your special day tomorrow." She explains

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