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HARMONY BEING the dramatic girl that she is, is sitting with her back against the bed, knees up to her chest, head resting back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Every so often she groans frustratedly, orders me to open the door. Ignore her.

"Jude it's 2am! I want to sleep." She groans

"Well, the beds right there." I nod over at it.

She scowls at me.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't." I smirk.

"I do. I hate you. More than anyone else in this world. You're my number one enemy. If I could choose between getting hit by a car and staying locked up in this room, I'd choose the car. The car sounds nice, the car sounds exciting. The car would put me out of my misery instead of me having to spend hours in here with you!" She rambles.

I just lean against the wall, stare at her adoringly as she goes off on her tangent. Nothing makes her more attractive than her little rambles and tangents.

"You're so pretty when you go off on your little rants." I smirk over at her. She doesn't respond. Flips me off instead.

We sit in silence for the next ten minutes. She refuses to talk to me.

"Why are you doing this." She huffs. Head resting on her knees.

"Because I need to talk to you. I need to explain everything. Why I said what I said and why I did what I did." I say. This is my last chance. She's leaving tomorrow.

"Don't want to hear it." She mutters. She's so stubborn, If I wasn't in love with her I would of forgotten this ages ago. Drawn a line under it.

"Well you have to. I have to tell you how I feel." I walk over to her. Stand in front of her and look down she doesn't look up at me. Just stares at the wall.

"I don't have to do anything." She spits back at me.

"This is kidnapping by the way!" She adds with a frustrated eye roll.

I laugh. "Well you can take it up with the police later." I joke

She just glares at me. Checks her phone for the time.

"Can we talk now?" I ask. Hoping she's given up on being moody and stubborn so we can finally have the conversation that's been weighing down on my mind for ages.

"No. I'm out of here." She stands and tries to bolt over to the door but I get there first. Grab her waist to stop her.

"Let go of me!" She shouts trying to fight me to get to the door.

"No." I say sternly

She pushes me off her. Breathing heavily. She angry now.

"What do you want from me Jude! What is it!" She yells

"I want to fucking talk!" I scream at her

"I don't want to talk! I don't need to hear you further explain why you're not interested in me and how what happened between us wasn't a big deal!"

"That's not what I want to say!"

"Then what?!"

"What?!" She repeats again

"What Jude? Tell me! Tell me now!" She yells

"I fucking love you Harmony!" I scream.

Her eyes widen. Mouth hangs open with absolute shock. She takes a step back.

"I love you! I love the shit out of you!"

"You're the only girl I've ever loved in my entire life and that scares me. Scares me because I don't feel like I'm good enough for you. I feel like you deserve better."

"I pushed you away and kept my distance because I thought you could do better than me. I ended up hurting you and I'm so so sorry for that. I was trying to protect you and instead I did what I was trying not to do."

"That night. It wasn't just something that happens to me. It was everything. You're everything. Harmony,
You're the only girl I want in this world. I should of told you that sooner. Should of told you to stay. I want you to stay. I want...you." I take her hand in mine. She still looks speechless and I don't know if that's good or bad.

"I love you. I love you so much." I push her hair behind her ear. Something I've missed doing.

She looks into my eyes and I look into hers. I lean in, capturing her lips. Kiss her softly and then a little more passionately. The kiss turns into a hungry one.
I've missed the feeling of her lips on mine so much.
Been waiting for the day when I could kiss her again. Didn't know if it would ever arrive after how I dealt with things. But here it is.

I pull away cupping her cheeks. She still looks shocked. Hasn't said a word. Granted it's a lot to process.

"Harms?" I say softly.

She blinks a lot. And then she does something that makes my heart drop to my stomach. She steps back out of my hold. And walks towards the door.

"Harmony!" I call out rushing after her. Hearts in my throat and somehow also in her hands. My minds working overtime. I'm thinking the worst. Maybe she's realised I was right. That I'm not good enough for her. Maybe she hates me for what I put her through. It's understandable.

I grab her hand before she can slip out of the door she's unlocked.

"Harms." My voice breaks a little. Feels like I'm losing her.

"I...I just need some time." Avoids my eyes as she slips from my fingers and runs out of the door. I'm left standing there, looking into the distance where she just left.

Hearts bleeding, eyes are wet. I'm racking my brain for what I've said. Don't know if I said something bad to make her react the way she did.

Sit down on the bed and just throw my head into my hands.

— it's for the plot.
You'll be happy In
two chapters.

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