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Rory's POV-

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Millie ran down the stairs and past me, towards the door

"Hold on there, missy" I grabbed her "we're not ready yet"

"Why not?"

I laughed. "For starters you need a jacket. And daddy's still looking for the ice skates. You can't go ice skating without ice skates, can you?"

She shook her head.

"That's right. Now why don't you go get your jacket on?"

Over the years we'd continued our tradition of ice skating the night before New Year's Eve.

"Alright" Logan came down the stairs "I have the skates"

"Yay! Let's go!" Millie said. This little girl had so much energy.

"Alright, alright" I chuckled "we're going"

Logan's POV-

We got to the ice skating rink at Rockefeller center, and as usual, I sucked.

"Why do you keep falling?" Millie asked. It's a little embarrassing that my 5 year old daughter was better than me at ice skating.

"Because I'm bad at ice skating" I told her


"Because my parents-"

"Don't" Rory interrupted me "finish that sentence"

She was right. They might not have been great parents but they were good grandparents.

"Because I never went when I was a kid" I said


"Hey, come here" I grabbed Rory's hand and pulled her close to me. Before she had a chance to ask what I was doing, I pressed my lips against hers "Merry Christmas, Ace"

"Merry Christmas" she smiled 

Much like the year before I ended up carrying a sleeping Emilia home.

Rory's POV-

Very early on Christmas morning, I was woken up by a very small person climbing into my bed. I looked at the clock, 5:23. She slipped under the blanket and snuggled up against me. Boots usually slept in that spot, but whenever Millie would get into the bed, Boots would move to my feet. "mommy, it's Christmas" she whispered

She usually slept until a decent time, but when she was excited about something, she'd wake up really early and climb into our bed. We had a rule though. If she came into our room, she had to go back to sleep. "Yes it is" I kissed her forehead. She moved even closer to me and went back to sleep.

She definitely looked more like Logan, except with my eyes. But you could see both of us in her personality, which was cool. Logan and I both liked to be physically close to each other. We like to cuddle, and hold hands, or even just have a hand on the other's back, and you could definitely see that in Millie. She always wanted to be snuggled. She was also smart, like really smart. And she was obsessed with books and reading, but at the same time she wanted to be everywhere and talk to everyone. She was fearless, and that definitely scared me but it was a good thing.

Third party POV-

"What's in there?" Logan asked as Millie tore wrapping paper off a present. All 3 of them were sitting on the rug in the living room.

Millie got super excited when she saw what it was. "I got roller skates!"

"Those aren't roller skates" Logan said. They were.

"Yes they are"

"But you don't know that for sure"

"The box says roller skates!" Millie jumped up into Logan's lap "you're silly"

"No, you're silly" he kissed her cheek

"No you" Millie giggled

"Can I have a hug" Logan said. Millie wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her.

"Can I do the next present?"

"Go ahead" Logan said

Millie walked over to the Christmas tree and picked up a small, long, rectangular box that wrapped in plain red wrapping paper.

"Who's it for, baby?" Rory asked. She knew that it was for Logan because she's the one who wrapped it. She wrapped it in the plain wrapping paper so that she'd know which one it was.

"It's for daddy" Millie handed the box to Logan

He looked at Rory. "What is this?"

"Open it" Millie said

"What she said"

Millie was standing next to Logan, watching as he unwrapped the paper to reveal a small white box. Rory was sitting across from him. Logan took the lid off the box and his eyes immediately shot over to Rory.

"What is that?" Millie asked

"Are you serious?"

"Mhmm" Rory nodded

Logan took the positive pregnancy test out of the box and held it up "really?" 


Logan put his hand on Rory's cheek and kissed her as deeply as was appropriate in front of their 5 year old.

"What is it?" Millie asked

"It's a pregnancy test" Rory said and wiped away the few tears that escaped her eyes

"What does that mean?"

"It means that pretty soon, you're gonna have a baby brother or sister" Logan told her

"Really?" Millie asked excitedly


"Can it be a sister?"

Rory laughed "we don't get to choose, babe" 


"That's just not how it works"


Rory's POV-

That night, after putting Millie to sleep, Logan and I were snuggled up, under a blanket, on the couch. That was the first time we really got to talk since I gave him the pregnancy test.

"So..." Logan said "another baby?"

"Another baby" I nodded. When Lena was 3 we decided that we were gonna have another baby. After almost a year passed without me getting pregnant, we realized that it might not happen. We decided to just not use birth control and if I got pregnant, great. If not, also fine.

He put his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me. "I love you so much"

"I love you too"


And there you have it. The story's over.
I really hope you liked it. If you have suggestions for a story you'd like to see, I'd love to try and write it. And I just wanna say thank you to everyone who voted for my story and commented, it was really encouraging and motivating.

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