Chapter 18

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Rory's POV-

I was standing in the restaurant where we were having our rehearsal dinner, talking to Mitchum. He seemed to have had a genuine attitude change. He didn't hate me. He was happy that Logan and I were getting married. Shira was a different story.

"Do you have any big plans?" Mitchum asked me "career wise"

"I actually just got a title change at work" I told him. Just that week I'd been promoted to features editor.

"Is that so?"

"Features editor"

"That's wonderful"

I felt a hand on my lower back. "You know, I think you might be his favorite person in this room" Logan said. I genuinely couldn't tell if he was being serious. "Dad, if you don't mind, I'm gonna steal my beautiful fiancé away from you"

"Not at all" Mitchum smiled

Logan took my hand and we started walking towards the bar "what's going on?"

Logan put his hand on my cheek and softly pressed his lips into mine. "What was that for?"

"A guy can't kiss his fiancé just because?"

"No" I smiled "He can"

Third party POV-

Lorelai and Emily were sitting together, at a table.

"They look happy" Emily said

"They are" Lorelai smiled

"You know what's next..."


"You become grandma"

"Oh, my god!" Lorelai exclaimed "please do not say anything like that to Rory"

"As if it's not perfectly normal, and expected, for people to have children after they get married" Emily rolled her eyes

"First of all, they aren't married yet. Second of all, if you say something like that to Rory, she's gonna get all freaked out"

"Does she not want children?"

"I don't know, mom"

"Oh please" Emily rolled her eyes "you two talk about everything. I know you know"

"Do you realize that right now, you're essentially asking me about your granddaughter's sex life? On what planet is that appropriate?"

"Don't be crude, Lorelai"

"Hi" Rory walked over and sat down

"Hey" Lorelai smiled "nervous yet?"


"Excited is good" Emily said

Rory's POV-

Logan and I had decided to forgo the whole 'sleeping separately the night before the wedding' thing. That night I fell asleep in Logan's arms but the next morning, the morning of the wedding, I woke up alone in bed. I made my way to the kitchen to find that there was coffee, donuts, and a note from Logan. Why am I not surprised?

Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Enjoy the coffee. Can't wait to see you xo, Logan.

I looked at the clock, it was 7:45. When did he do this? 

Logan's POV-

The guys all gathered at Finn's apartment the morning of the wedding, it was the closest to the library.

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