Chapter 20

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Logan's POV-

The day after we got home, I was walking through the office when someone called out for me. "Mr Huntzberger!" I turned around to see Charlie rubbing towards me "I didn't know you were back"

"I got back yesterday. What do you need?"

"I need your signature to approve the thing for the-"

"Right" I nodded "leave the papers on my desk"

"Ok" He turned to walk away but stopped and turned back "congratulations"

"Thank you"

Rory's POV-

I was sitting at my desk trying to get work done but Bailey (who's desk was facing mine) wouldn't stop giggling. "What's wrong with you?"

"How was your honeymoon?" She was sitting so wide that her face would've ripped in half if she smiled any wider.

"It was good"

"I don't get details?" She pouted

"Honeymoon details?"

"Not those details" she rolled her eyes "I wanna know what you did..."

I already knew what was coming

"Other than each other, of course"

"How did I know you were gonna say that?"

"Because you know me very well. Now tell me about Italy"

"Ok, the first night we went out for dinner and then got rained on"


"You could say that" I chuckled a little

"So do we have little blond hair, blue eyed, little baby Huntzbergers coming in the near future?"

"If that's your way of asking if I'm pregnant, the answer is no"

"I actually don't know where you stand on having kids" Bailey said

"Not yet" I told her

"But at some point?"

"That's the plan...hey, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Didn't you tell me a little while ago that you and Matt were trying to have a baby? How's that going?"

Bailey smiled.

I gasped "are you serious?"

"I found out the day after your wedding"

"That's amazing! Congratulations!"

Logan's POV-

I got out of the shower to see Rory laying on the couch. She was either asleep or about to be. "Fight the jet lag, Ace. Don't fall asleep"

"I'm not asleep" she mumbled "my mind is alive"

I laughed a little "as convincing as you sound, we have to get ready to go to your grandparents"

"My grandparents?"

Wow, she really is tired. We had just landed the night before and it had been over 24 hours since we'd slept "Friday you've had for the past like 12 years...ring any bells?"

"I hate jet lag!" She groaned

"I know"

Rory's POV-

"Rory?" Mom asked. She and Luke were sitting on the couch across from me and Logan at grandma and grandpa's house. "Rory, are you in there?"

"What?" I snapped back to reality. I had zoned out.

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