Chapter 23

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Rory's POV-

"I need to get up" I said. I was laying in bed with Logan's arm around me, and it was 7am on a Monday. The last thing I wanted to do was get up.

"No you don't" Logan tightened his grip around my waist

"I have to go to work"

"Skip work"

"I can't skip work"

"Yeah you can. Play the pregnancy card. Tell them you're not feeling well"

"Pregnancy card works a lot better when people actually know that you're pregnant" I was 2 days away from being 9 weeks pregnant and other than my mom, my grandparents, and Honor , nobody knew yet.

"Speaking of which, I think we should tell my parents"

"Your mom is going to have a fit"

"I don't care" Logan said "she doesn't have to like it, but she does need to know. Besides my dad will be thrilled"


"We also have to tell your dad"

I felt really awkward telling people I was pregnant. "I know. We will"

A couple of hours later I was sitting at my desk, trying to work, but pregnancy had other plans and most of my focus was going towards not throwing up. I remembered what Honor said about saltines and ginger ale and was suddenly very happy that I'd put both of those things in my desk drawer just in case. A few minutes later, Bailey walked into the office that I shared with the sports editor, Jack. He wasn't there though.

"Hey. Brian, Cameron, and I are going to get sushi for lunch. You wanna come?"

There were a few issues with that. For starters I was really nauseous so I kinda just planned on eating the saltines. Secondly, you're not supposed to eat sushi when you're pregnant. "I'm ok. I have a lot of work to do and I'm not really feel kind well so I probably won't eat anyway"

I watched Bailey's eyes go from looking at me, too looking at the crackers and ginger ale on my desk, and back up at me. She'd been pregnant before, she knew exactly what was going on.

"! You're pr-"


She stepped all the way into the office and closed the door behind her. She didn't say anything, just stood there staring at me. "Ok, fine!" I couldn't take her looking at me like that anymore "I'm pregnant"

"Ahh! This is so exciting!"


"Oh...are we not happy about this?"

I can understand how my lack of enthusiasm in that moment could lead someone to things that I wasn't happy about it. "We're very happy, we're just also very nauseous"

"That goes away. Weeks 9 to 11 are the worst and then you're in the second trimester and you feel a lot better. Hey, how far along are you?"

"I'll be 9 weeks on Wednesday"

"Ahh! I'm so excited for you! Remember, sleep is your friend"

"So I've learned"

Logan's POV-

When I got home from work, Rory was asleep on the couch. The tv was on. I walked over and crouched down in front of her. I brushed a stray hair behind her ear "Rory" I said quietly


"Why don't you change and get into bed?"

"Can't. No energy" she mumbled, eyes still closed

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