Chapter 10

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Rory's POV-

I'd spent 2 months working on my article about the Israeli military and by the time December rolled around, it was published. It was now 2 days before Christmas Eve (December 22nd). I was sitting at my desk, getting ready to head home for the night when my cell phone rang. I didn't even look at it before picking up and putting the phone to my ear "Gilmore"

"Hey, it's me" Stephanie said, on the other end

"Oh, hi" I start walking towards the elevator as I listen to Stephanie talk

"So, Rosemary and I are going to get our nails done tomorrow morning, and we thought you'd like to come"

"Um..." I tried to remember if I had anything going on "that sounds great" I waved goodbye to Bailey as I passed her desk, just before leaving the newsroom.

"Ok, great! We'll pick you up at your place around 11"

"Alright, see you then"

Logan's POV-

I was sitting on the couch when Rory got home. "God, it's freezing out there" she said as she took her coat and shoes off, leaving them next to the door.

I reached my arms out "come here, I'll warm you up" Rory sat down next to me and I wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled into me, and then got really quiet "what's going on in that head of yours, Ace?"

She took a deep breath "I love Christmas" she said "It's just so magical, especially in this city. Anywhere you look, there's Christmas. Everything's covered in lights, and there are so many Christmas trees everywhere, and everyone's so happy" as I listened to her talk, I thought that I definitely made the right decision about proposing at Christmas, but I'm also definitely starting to get nervous. "I just...I love Christmas. And I love you. And I love that I get to spend Christmas with you"

Third party POV-

Rory was sitting in a nail salon with Stephanie and Rosemary. "Do you guys have plans for Christmas?" Rosemary asked

"We're gonna spend it with my parents in Stars Hollow. And we also have to go see his parents and my dad and sister at some point" Rory told them "oh, and Logan has something planned for tonight, but he said it's a surprise and won't tell me what we're doing"

Rosemary and Stephanie exchanged a knowing look. Logan had everything set up and now he just had to wait for the right time. He was sitting on the couch, looking at the ring, even Rory got home. When he heard her keys in the door, he quickly snapped the ring box closed and put it in his pocket. "Hey Ace, how was it?"

"It was good" Rory immediately noticed that Logan was acting weird. "How was your day?"

"good" Logan said. He watched as Rory walked into the bathroom before quickly returning the ring to its hiding spot.

Later that night, Rory and Logan were walking through New York City, after having dinner at Rory's favorite restaurant. Rory's arm was linked through Logan's and her head was resting on his shoulder.

Logan's POV-

As we walked from the restaurant towards Rockefeller center, I could feel myself getting more and more nervous. I found myself repeatedly checking my pocket to make sure that the ring was still there. "You have energy for one more thing?" I asked, when we were right around the corner from Rockefeller center.


We turned the corner to see the Rockefeller center I've skating rink with the giant Christmas tree all lit up. "You wanna go ice skating?"  I knew that she loved ice skating. I also knew that you could pay to have the rink all to yourself once it closed at 11pm.

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